Ch 8

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A/N: Thank you guys for 100+ views! It means a lot. Thank you for reading this story and continuing it till now. The last chapter was a little bit short compared to other chapters, so I decided to make this chapter a bit longer. Please read A/N at the end to know when the next chapter will be out. On with the chapter! 

Draco was nervously pacing in his room. It couldn't happen. He couldn't believe it. He kept pacing while staring at his bathroom door which opened to a common bathroom  in which he could hear her showering. 

His thoughts lingered back to today's happenings.


He was studying in the library sitting across from Hermione. Well he wasn't actually studying as his thoughts kept wandering over to his quidditch practice. He was just turning pages while Hermione was sincerely studying. He wanted to go and practice quidditch again but Hermione insisted that he take a break from it, since his thoughts were only occupied by quidditch nowadays. He thought she may be talking about going to Hogsmeade or anything else but was surprised when she said that they should go to the library since according to her, "You need to clear your thoughts Draco. You need peace. And you could get that in a library since nobody will disturb you."

He was brought back from his thoughts when he heard Hermione squeal. 

"What happened?" He asked as he looked up from his book to her.

"Oh nothing. I was just finding this particular topic from last three days but I couldn't find it in any other book. I thought I wouldn't find it in this one as well seeing it's title but look I found it." She said while smiling at him.

"Don't judge a book by it's cover Granger." He said and shook his head.

"I know. Here look at this." She said and passed the book to him and accidently pushing a book kept near the edge to the ground. 

She bent under the table to pick up the book and Draco also bent at the same time. They both didn't know that the other had also bent to pick the book until their hands touched each other's and looked into each other's eyes. Draco felt a spark as he touched her hand and instantly jumped, bumping his head on the table. He bumped his head with so much force that the table turned over and fell on the ground on its side and all the books fell. The chair on which he was sitting also fell over. 

Hermione just stared at him with her mouth slightly open and her eyes wide. It wasn't until he rubbed his head and muttered a few curse words thst she burst out laughing. It was a good thing that there were no other students in the library since it was a Hohsmeade weekend and Madame Pince had gone to McGongagall's office otherwise they surely would have been kicked out of the library due to disturbance made by Draco and Hermione's non stop laughing for at least 14 minutes.

It took all of Draco's patience to make her stop laughing. He finally told her that her book had torn and she immediately stopped laughing and picked up her book. Draco stared at his and then at her hand. He didn't know if she had felt it or not but he had certainly felt a spark.

Later that day

They were in their potions class, the last class of that day. Professor Slughorn was telling them something about different types of potions and were asking questions. And of course, it was Hermione who answered all of them, as usual. Most of them were paying attention, some were pretending to pay attention and others were not even bothering to stop talking even when Slughorn glared at them. But Draco was an exception. He wasn't talking, he wasn't pretending and he certainly wasn't paying any attention. He was just staring into space while stirring the potion his cauldron. He was ignoring anyone who tried to talk to him until something that Hermione said caught his attention.

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