Ch 2

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Hermione didn't know what the reason was but she couldn't really join and enjoy the conversation that Harry, Ginny and her other friends Neville, Luna and Seamus were having. Whether it was the arguement she had this morning or the nervousness and excitement of seeing Hogwarts again, she couldn't tell. There was a voice in her head that said that she was nervous yet excited to see Draco Malfoy but she ignored that thought as soon as it came. However she was happy to see her old friends again in a happy environment as whoever she saw before, during and after the battle was pretty much in covered in blood and tears. She was happy to share a compartment with Harry and Ginny but became happier the instant she saw Neville and Luna as the more, the better. Seamus came after a few moments since he couldn't find Dean and wanted to see them.

Her mind wandered over to the conversation or more likely the argument she had with Ron today morning. She had just entered Ron's room to say goodbye after having breakfast since he wasn't coming to Kings Cross to see them off as he said, "If I see you all entering the train, I might change my mind and come to Hogwarts but I couldn't since I have got a really important mission yesterday. So it's better if I stay here." Hermione was reluctant at first about this but was thankful after their arguement. Since it could have caused a scene if he saw Malfoy there or if he decided to start this conversation.


"Aren't you very excited to see Malfoy again?"

"Ron when are you going to shut that topic? If I am excited, it doesn't mean that it is to see Malfoy again. I am excited to see Hogwarts and my friends and the teachers."

"By friends, you mean Malfoy right?"

"What are you- You know what, yes. Yes I am excited to see Malfoy. Yes, by friends, I mean Malfoy. Okay? Happy?"

"See, I knew it."

"Are you insane or are you just thick to understand what I am saying?"

"I am neither insane nor thick, it's just that the way you were defending Malfoy yesterday, anyone would think what I am saying."

"No Ron, not anyone. Only you, only you will think like that because you're too stubborn to accept the fact that he can change. The boy who tormented and made us suffer can change. You're just too stubborn."

Before Ron could reply, Harry entered the room and informed Hermione that it's time to go to Kings Cross. Hermione told him just a second and turned to Ron.

"I didn't want our last conversation before I go to be like this. But I want to end it well." She hugged Ron and after a moment or so he hugged her back.

She pulled back and said,"Goodbye Ron. I will miss you. But please don't let the past decide your decisions and thoughts about people. Everyone deserves a second chance. I hope you will give it a thought." 

"Goodbye 'Mione. I will miss you too. And yeah, keep informing me what happens through letters."

With one final nod and smile, she exited the room and went downstairs. After she left, Harry turned towards Ron.

"I know that you're worried for her and you don't believe that Malfoy's changed. Believe me, I don't either. But she told us that he hadn't called her a mud- you know what I am saying even once yesterday. Maybe he's changed after all."

"Maybe he has. But what if he hasn't? What if it's just an act so he can cause trouble?"

"I know but only time will tell. I guess I will have to keep an eye on him."

"Protect her, Ginny, yourself and the others, will you?"

"Pretty sure Hermione and Ginny doesn't need my help to protect themselves but I will anyway." Harry said with a laugh. 

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