Bhuvaneshvari's daughter. After knowing the truth behind sarayu's blame. The whole family shattered completely knowing. They punished a innocent girl without her fault. Instead of understand her, support her. They break her heart into pieces by blaming her. They cried thinking about the pain they give to the innocent girl. But what's the use of crying when the damage is already done. Agni and whole family want to ask her forgiveness falling on feets. if they ask forgiveness she will forgive them because, she is their chitti thalli. Who can't hate them even if they done wrong to het. She has that big heart to forgive them. But lakshmi's disappear scared them.

Sarayu may forgive them for their harsh behavior towards her but she won't forgive them when it comes to her mother. Everyone know sarayu's protectiveness towards mother. She loves her mother beyond everything and  living for her mother. Sarayu took promise from them to take care her mother whenever she is not around her. Then how can they go in front of her now.  without her mother. What will they tell her if she asks about her mother. How can they say to her that they don't know where she was. This thought stopped them from going to her. They already failed in front of her long back so they thought it's better if they lives as losers rather then to face her.

They escaped from sarayu because of her kindness but they never escape from god, who always calculates our good and bad deed. God already decided to make them suffer for making a innocent girl cry. And their problem came in form of lasya.

After bhuvaneshvari and sheker arrest one day lasya came to their house. She asked forgiveness for her mother's mistakes crying. Janaki didn't said anything but agni's heart melted seeing her state. She already lost one daughter because of her foolishness. and her sons also not with her. She don't want to repeat same mistake for pushing her away from this family. She forgive lasya and asked her to stay with them. But she didn't know that time, she herself inviting problems. When they came to know about lasya's true color. Things already gone from their hands.

The bhupathi raju family does not have business in cr. But they have few, like silk business, dairy firm, rice mill, road transports and most important They have one hundred acres of agricultural land.

Because of past happenings no one in the house properly concentrated on their works. Sarayu and her brother also not there who look over everything whenever elder was not  available. This made lasya work easy. She start taking care of their every works and gained their trust. They  believed her blindly seeing her good acting and didn't asked her the question why and what, whatever she did.

Using their trust lasya transferred the total property of bhuapthi raju family on her name. She didn't stopped with this. She filed a case against them saying they forcefully threw her out her own house and enjoying her property. The bhupathi raju family, who has not even stepped in to the police station till now, had to go court because of her. Case became strong as she has property documents on her name And court ordered them to leave the house as soon as possible. Now there is no one to help them.

Agni is not sad for losing property. With wealth or without wealth this family always gods to the people. This property nothing in front of the love people show on her family. And they are capable to earn money again as they believes in hardwork. But she is worried about one thing. This house... this house held so many memories of her. Her father, her childhood with her sisters and her kids. Her heart not agreeing with her to leave this house. But she doesn't have any way to save the house. She is hating herself from putting her family in this situation. Because of her one mistake, her whole family suffering. What's making her more guilt is, no one questioning her that why did you done that.

Not Even her mother who always guide her what is right, what is wrong. How can she... when she don't want to see her face. Janaki was not talking with any of them from the movement she came to know about sarayu. She only talking with dharma, that too if it's necessary, if not she always spending time in her room.

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