Chapter 8. Let's Start Over Again

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They were on the path, walking peacefully on the rocky-unpaved road for a while. The forest was again circling them like before. The Red-Moon played hide-and-seek with the clouds. Trees were towering there, not letting even the glim of the Red-Moon touch the land.

But thanks to these small yet helpful friends who were illuminating the area as much as to let them see the eerie world around the two -tried from walking themselves to death- men- was the single answer of how they all managed to walk.

An uneasy feeling came because of the pin-drop silence in Advik’s chest was undeniably sharp. The quietness was fallen there, everywhere they were taking their exhausted legs. Of course, the purified area by him was long lost when they were trying to find one specific kid.

Advik sideways looked at the kid who held an unknown expression on himself, entirely different than him of a while ago. He thought of saying something just to break the ice between them, “You do look up to those two, don’t you?” His eyes widened thinking he said something he shouldn’t. He glanced at Samay once again with a thumping heart.

“I do,” he replied plainly. Walking rather slowly maybe he was also too tired to move yet walking to find them. Advik blinked with surprise to the answer and smiled warmly.

“Who said I hate them? Any of them. They’ve raised me. They are still raising me who is an orphan. I know that better than anyone.” Focusing only ahead, he said with little frustration and grief mixed in the tone.

Advik crossed his hand behind his head, scanning the guy from the side. “You know you didn’t make any good expression before when I mentioned them to you. Why was that if you don’t disdain them and instead you look up to them, care for them so much?”

Samay’s feet stopped. He turned with anger boiling in his eyes, “Who the hell are you to inquire me like this huh? Fuck off I have no obligation to answer you.”

From the start of this conversation, Vismay remained mute for God knows what reason? Tara was still too scared to come any closer to the kid who warned her to stay far away from him. The little Firefly didn’t dare to do anything.

Advik scoffed, “My! My! Where do you get this much anger?” He marched ahead, “Don’t tell if you don’t want to I was just asking ‘cause aren’t we friends or at least comrades now?”

Samay's heart twinged, he pressed his lips. The kid opened his mouth then closed it. Not looking at the idiotic smile of the other person he flapped his clothes and paced forward again.

Advik tilted his head with a grimace, he snickered and continued himself without caring if someone heard him or not. “Shouldn’t you do something about your attitude?” The youngster flinched slightly while he made a fist however he didn’t stay standing there. Advik saw the fist before beginning again, he grinned. “You could have many friends if you just change your attitude a little.”

The teenager didn’t give Advik any attention and rushed faster on an unknown road. Irritation built itself inside Samay with every second. His fists got tighter and tighter. His hand desperately wanted to knock off something or maybe someone but held himself from doing anything unnecessary.

Vismay who was beside Advik the entire time wanted to say something could not find any word to ease the tension between them. Tara was too innocent to understand the problems and misunderstandings of the human race. She just glued closest to Advik.

“You don’t have any fri—” Advik’s lips sealed themselves when he saw the death glare of Samay. The teenager finally lost his temper. He stomped towards the man.

Samay clenched the man's arms. “What?!! Seriously. What. Do. You. Know. About me?!! How long have you known me?” In his mind, he thought why this situation has to happen? How their chat come to this end? He was somehow so glad to meet this person a while ago. It was the first time for him to be glad to meet someone but now that someone is making his heart cry without even knowing the whole, the real him and why he is the way he is.

Samay snarled. “Why should I have to change myself or my attitude to be liked by someone, ” his grip tightened and his eyes looked up at Advik, “Why they can’t accept me for who I am? Why they can’t accept my attitude, my change of moods, my anger, my… any-anything?!!” He snorted unaware of the fact that the colorless water was dropping down from his eyes.

Advik sighed, the kid was crying like a baby in front of him. Samay was looking down with closed eyes, his head remained down while he held the man with incredible force. He has had long lost his maiden-attitude. Some moments passed in him patting the back of the sobbing baby.

Advik thought this kid has many worries in his life which is just so young to be wasted by thinking all the unnecessary and heavy things for such youth. This kid has too much in his mind always that he can’t even enjoy his life like a teenager. Orphan? He said. Who else can understand the longing for a family especially for a mother better than him? He was missing his mom even now when he can’t even remember her face, her name properly. He thought now he can understand Samay's character much better. Why he is like this?” He deeply sighed.

Advik snapped out when the brat wiped his tears with his trembling hands. He chuckled, “Someone once said to me I should love the one who can accept and love me for me and shouldn’t worry about those who don’t give a damn about me, ” wet eyes were perplexed looking at him, “You know, Prime Minister, Chief Minister and even His Highness was so worried when they found about you being missing. You should only care for those who care for you. Believe me, life will be way more peaceful.”

Advik put up his hand to pat again when the kid scowled at him making his hand go back downwards immediately.

“I fucking know that” Samay growled, wiping off his tears, “you are not my mother, stop being one!”

“I wasn’t trying to—sigh… I am really so—”

“You two, stop,” Vismay said with a low and thick voice. “Someone is coming this way. We must hide I don’t know who or what it could be.”

“But –” Advik opened his mouth to say something when the Fireball suddenly dragged him from his back to hide behind a tree, -- “What the hell are you doing?”

“Just trying to keep you two safe from any danger,” the Fireball replied. “Samay you also come and hide with us.”

Samay’s feet didn’t move even an inch. He remained silent with lines on his forehead which made the three petals of the lotus seem smaller between his eyebrows. Light green and white cloths covering him flapped with the breeze. The traces of tears rested on his rosy cheeks. He knew he looked miserable and he did not care about it.

Vismay paused dragging Advik after they came behind a tree,  “Stay here and don’t move.”

“I will,” he sincerely murmured. He observed around him, terrified when he couldn’t find the boy beside him. Eyes widened, “Where the hell is Samay?”

“Huh?” The Fireball surprised, “He wasn’t following us?”

The man glanced at the forest again. Eyes moving everywhere and rested down on a familiar figure. Samay glued himself there exactly where they came from.

“Why the hell, he isn’t moving?” with irritation, he spoke.

“Whose fault is that he is like this?” Vismay lowly questioned. It heard the sound of the footsteps again, “Listen, Kid! Someone is close.”

He tilted his head, “Samay! Samay! Samay!” Advik faced Vismay, grimace came over his face, “Has he frozen himself there? Let me take him here. Wait for me.” Without hearing what the Black Fireball had to say he rushed to the teenager.

“Hey, Advik!! Don’t go! Someone is near!” it shouted but he was long gone. “Hmm?!” Vismay noticed something. “Has that person stopped? I can’t hear any more unknown footsteps… why?”

Tara blinked rapidly staying beside the Fireball.

In the meantime, Advik faced the kid, “Hey! Let’s go. It’s too dangerous for us,” he started to go back when he saw Samay was still not moving. He signed deeply and blandly said, “Hey! Umm… I am so—really sorry. Please come with me, ” Advik smiled, “Let’s start our friendship over again with honesty, please?” big eyes looked at Samay.

Those red eyes gazed at the sorry person. “Are you really apologizing?”

“No, I'm joking in this graveyard like a forest,” he frowned, “of course I am sorry, I mean I know I was wrong somewhere.”

“How long are you going to stay here?” a low voice came which startled the hell out of them. They both jumped some inches back.

“For god’s sake don’t scare us like this!” Advik and Samay said together while rubbing their chests.

Avoiding the question Vismay pushed Samay from his back, he wailed but ignored completely. Advik just followed them. They all were again behind the tree. Tara lit up seeing the kid, it flew towards him but paused in the halfway seeing the trembling of the person when it tried to approach him.

“Child, look someone is on the path.” The Fireball informed.

They all quitted whatever they were doing and peeked at the said person. Somebody was indeed on the road. Thanks to the darkness they couldn’t see the person clearly but they all were confident that someone was there.

Tara sat down on Advik's shoulder. Tilting his head Advik whispered, “This person is looking in a hurry to go somewhere.”

Samay scowled, “In a hurry and without much spiritual energy. It’s so dim that I couldn’t even see it properly if it wasn’t for the night fallen here.”

Advik grimaced, “Vismay can you tell me something about him?”

“Just a human soul with the Indri level cultivation and he is wearing the attire of the guards of Tilsamilok.”

“A lowly human soul with only a second level of cultivation is wandering here! What rubbish! How brave of him!” the kid groaned, lifting up an eyebrow.

Advik patted on Samay's shoulder from behind, “I have an idea. Let’s follow him.” He twinkled.

“Correct, we should follow him. We have to see where this person is heading maybe it could help us,” Vismay mumbled.

“Then let’s go straight up to him and ask,” Samay responded.

“No, we can’t trust someone this easily. We can not be too reckless.” Vismay started to follow the person before he could disappear from their sights.

“You said that we can’t be too careless and you are following a total stranger, how awesome!! Samay rolled his eyes and sighed. “A Black Fireball is telling us that, how ridiculous!” he saw Advik who seemed to enjoy himself too much while glowing with a toothy smile. Of course, Samay was disgusted at the sight of him, “Believe me I am not forgiving you.”
The idiot smiled even more, “That’s fine.” The teenager's shoulder withered down and straightened again. He strode ahead to follow Vismay with Advik staying attached to him. Not being noticed by the guard they all followed him.

“Can you tell me about that Tilsamilok you were talking about,” Advik whispered while focusing on the stranger ahead.

“Tilsamilok is the capital of Lost Soul’s Realm and it’s the biggest city over here,” Samay proudly answered.

“I thought you are not going to talk to me ever again,” he giggled.

“This is an emergency so I don’t have a choice and I want to find Svapn and Chief Minister at any cost,” Samay grimaced at Advik, “Don’t you dare to play smart with me.”

“Yeah, yeah!” Advik chuckled and frowned again, “How this person couldn’t find that we are following him for quite a while now. Anyone with second level cultivation can at least does that much… strange. Is it possible he knew we’re behind him and he’s intentionally letting us do it? Hmm… Indri level cultivation? Shouldn’t a guard be at least on the third, Jivant level of cultivation? Can’t he scan his surroundings? Indri level cultivators can do it even in their sleep. This is getting even more bizarre.”

“Advik!! See!!!” the astonished voice came of Vismay.

“Huh!!?” His jaws dropped, he frowned. “What the hell a Mahakali temple is doing here?!!” Advik left with no words. He looked around for the guard they were following but no one was there to be found except the extravagant temple.”
Shwet: White
Tilsamilok: “Tilsmi” means Magical, “Lok” means Realm or a Place
Indri: Feelings
Jivant: Alive
Goddess Mahakali: Mahakali (Sanskrit: Mahākālī, Devanagari: महाकाली), is the consort of Mahakala, the god of consciousness, the basis of reality and existence. Mahakali in Sanskrit is etymologically the feminized variant of Mahakala or Great Time (which is interpreted also as Death), an epithet of the god Shiva in Hinduism. Kali and all her forms are the different manifestations of Mahankali.

So I have something important to tell you guys . I think some people know this but still I should tell you. This story is based in ancient India so please keep this in mind. The culture, the clothes, the food and anything or everything else is Indian, ancient Indian. I’m sorry for telling you this this late…

I thought that many people are like me who is just too familiar with Japanese, Chinese or even Korean culture but not Indian. So, maybe many of you could of are imagining my characters with Chinese/Jap/Korean clothes which is wrong. I can understand maybe people are doing this because of the influence of Chinese/Japanese/Korean over the year around the world.

If you have some problem with understanding the clothing and accessories and anything else then please just google Indian mythological drams for a clear picture of my characters because I don’t you to imagine them with Chinese robs or Japanese kimono or Korean attire… that’s all! Sorry for informing you this this late! I just I should let you know!
/Hello!! My readers! Thank you so much for supporting and reading this work of mine. Sorry for this late update. I’m really very sorry!!!//

Here are my sns if anyone wants to reach me :
Instagram: @love_paroxysm Or @Eiza.sophrosyne
Twitter: Park Nambyul
Facebook: Park Nambyul

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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