Empresses in the Palace (The Legend of Zhen Huan) (2011)

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Cast (AN: Because this has such a large cast I just did the main cast)

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Cast (AN: Because this has such a large cast I just did the main cast)

Sun Li as Niuhuru Zhen Huan/ Empress Xiao Sheng Xian

Ada Choi as Ulanara Yixiu/ Empress Xiao Jing Xian

Chen Jianbin as Aisin Gioro Yinzhen/ Yongzheng Emperor

Leanne Liu as Uya Cheng Bi/ Empress Dowager Xiao Gong Ren

Simon Li as Su Pei Sheng

Jiang Xin as Hua Fei/ Imperial Noble Consort Dunsu

Lan Xi as Shen Meizhuang/ Consort Hui

Tao Xin Ran as An Lingrong/ Consort Li

Li Dong Xue as Aisin Gioro Yunli/ Prince Guo

Zhang Xiao Long as Physician Wen

Li Yijuan as Qi Yuebin/ Imperial Noble Consort Duan

Yang Fanghan as Feng Ruozhao/ Noble Consort Jing

Yang Fanghan as Feng Ruozhao/ Noble Consort Jing

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Empresses in the Palace is a Chinese drama set during the Qing Dynasty under the reign of Emperor Yongzheng. Based on an internet novel written by Liu Lianzi, the series follows the path of Zhen Huan as she navigates her way through the Imperial Harem while trying to protect those she loves and cares about.

Along with Princess Weiyoung, this was one of the first historical Chinese dramas that I have watched. Being made up of 70 episodes, this series consists of the same love, betrayal, death, and murder you would see in any other harem drama. At first, I didn't think that I would like the show, but the more I watched the more I got into the characters and the story. When it comes to characters I have a few favorites like Zhen Huan, Meizhuang, Prince Guo, Noble Consort Jing, and Imperial Noble Consort Duan just to name a few. 

While there are my favorites, there are also the characters I couldn't stand like Huan Bi, one of the maidservants of Zhen Huan, the Empress, and Lingrong. With Huan Bi, her relationship with Zhen Huan is complicated, and I don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't watched the series yet. However, she got on my nerves. Every time she was on screen due to her petty jealousness and actions, she quickly rubbed me the wrong way. The same thing can be said for Lingrong. At first, I felt bad for Lingrong and had high hopes for her, but as the series went on I got more and more annoyed with her.  Regardless of what characters I liked and disliked, the entire cast gave an amazing performance. Watching behind the scene videos for the show you can tell that they had fun filming each episode.

Overall this is an amazing series to watch, and story-wise leads into two of my other favorite C-dramas Story of Yanxi Palace, which I have covered before, and Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace, a future review. So if you have the time I suggest giving this a quick watch. To watch this series for yourself you can find it on YouTube, Amazon and Prime Video, and Viki. If you have already watched the show and want a recap of the episodes you can head over to Drama Recaps (link down below) on YouTube. 

Who's your favorite character?

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Who's your favorite character?

What character from the series did you hate the most?

What would you have done if you were in Zhen Huan's shoes?

Link to Drama Recaps: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7Q27916CbmlsvXZce8VDbA

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