Chapter 3 'Baby Annabelle'

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(Not Edited)

My eyes flew opened as i searched for the light that was burning my sleep deprived eyes. The source was a tiny opening in the blinds that let the light to exactly where i was sleeping just a minutes ago. I groaned in frustration as i have no hope in getting back to sleep.

The baby has kepted Luke and I awake for the majority of the night or until we got home anyways. We ended up leaving the gym around twelve thirty and after dropping James and Daniel off it was after one. The baby needed to be feed, changed and go straight to bed but will the brooks brother in the house it's far from easy.

Beau and Jai wanted to do a tweet cam but i thankful changed their minds as i reminded them that its one in the morning and no one would be watching, so they decided on Fifa instead. Luke wanted to go outside and take pictures of the full moon for photography and to put on instagram but yet he was ment to be fathering our child. And to top it all off the baby would not shut up its high pitch cry. Great night it was.

"Wake up sluts!' Beau burst though the door with Lala (Dog) in his arms and she barked making me shutter from the loud noise, i rubbed my eyes in response. With a grin he walked over to the window and yanked the blinds back exposing a beautiful spring day in Melbourne. "Seriously it could be five in the morning for all i care but you are not getting me out of this bed" i pattered the pillow next to me and stood my ground or bed....

Without a word Beau ran back out the door only to return with a portable speaker and phone bursting one of tupacs songs. "Turn that shit off' Jai voice muttered from the bunk above me. "Hey! be grateful, if i wasn't for me you would not have a life and would sleep all day" beau snapped back sarcastically.

"Yeah well, WE have a life that doesn't involve that piece of shit music!' Luke had enough and jumped off the top bunk and snatched the phone and speaker off Beau shuting the music off. Luke was a little cutie last night and let me sleep on the bottom bed while him and Jai shared to top. It didn't really matter as no one cared where we slept as it was late and we were all beyond the thinking stage.

"Whatever" Beau brushed it off and walked out. "Oh and i almost forgot we are doing a video today!' he added and ran back in. "Title?" Jai propped up on one shoulder and Luke sat next to me. "Baby Annabelle and the boys will be here any minute!' with a blink he was gone like flash. "You know what that involves!' i looked over to the cot in the corner of the room. Took them a while but Luke and Jai finally caugh on and laughed. "BEAU!" we all cried out in unison.


"Right, you stand here with the camera and Beau will go up to that man and do whatever but make sure the video camera is on and the lens cap is off!" James organised the whole scene. "I am the best photographer in the school!' i explained for the hundredth time while luke fake coughed again trying to prove a point, i just rolled my eyes.

I recorded it and Beau end up chucking the baby in the bin with the guy not giving a single care in the world. I dont even know why i agree to use princess(the fake baby) as the baby but shit happened and i mean Beau yelling out the window the whole way into the Melbourne CBD but i cant go back on my word now. The rest of the boys were out of the camera shot but i couldn't help but notice Lukes face. He actually looked worried and like he is over thinking about something but i could be wrong.

"Im hungry" Daniel exclaimed exhaustively. "Well the asian place on the corner with the spicy chicken it is!' Jai gathered the camera bag and we started walking in the direction. "Umm Destiny?" Luke spoke up, i spun around to face him. "What?" i questioned wondering what is happening.

"We forgot the baby!" I panicked and ran to the bin. I must of looked like a homeless person as I scopped my baby out of the bin i realised that it have some sort of smirred sauce all over its legs. "Fucking hell!" i turned and faced the boys.

There was a moment of silence as we all processed what has happened. "Beau you are so dead!" i ran after him as he sprinted away. On the way i passed Luke the baby and continued my hunt for the one and only Beau Brooks. Soon to be dead man when i am through with him.

Beau turned suddenly but luckily i was far enough away from him to turn the corner into a convenience store. It was a small store so it was easly to find him crouching behind a jelly bean stand.

I sneaked around the corner and scared the living day lights out of him. He jumped up and crashed his head onto the stand as all jelly beans flew everywhere in the shop.

"Fuck, run!' Beau screamed and we both ran out of the store as fast as we came in but not fast enough as the Indian guy came chasing after us. The rest of the boys where up head not knowing that if we get caught it would be crazy and we would all get into so much shit.

"Guys you better start running" i warned them. It looked like a scene out of shrek as he was running away from the dragon, but a Indian guy sreaming words i couldn't understand. I have never been so scared of a Indian guy in my life. Never again would i be stepping into a seven eleven shop!

We ended up skipping the thought of lunch and going straight home. "Well today was...interesting" I trailed off not knowing what i was going to say next. "Omg we should of recorded the Indian guy running after us!" Jai paused for a minute "Just imagian the video! what a ending it " he added. "You two" James pointed between Beau and I "Made me miss out on my chicken!" he put a hand on his heart fake hurt.

"Yallah your hand is on the wrong side" Daniel stated the ovious. James quickly looked down and changed his mistake putting it on the left hand side. As we are all immature we could help but laugh.

"Phone!" Jai called out over the chime of a phone. "Its mine!" Beau screamed excitedly. "Hellooo" beau answer happily.

"Dude pull over! i dont want to die!" Luke shouted as Beau rolled his eyes and signalled with a blinker to pull over.

"Thankyou for calling back" beau pulled a fan girl face as he looked at all of us. You could hear the person talk back but it was too faint to make out what they where saying. Silence engolfed the car as beau was smiling and pulling faces while on the phone. Typical Beau!

"Omg! really? We'll have to have a meeting with our manager about it" he pulled another face, James let out a deep chuckle right as the baby began to cry. "Shit" i mumbled as i unhooked the baby from the selt belt. Luke got out of the car and i passed the baby to him knowing he will calm her down.

"Thankyou again, bye!" as soon as Beau got off the phone he was screaming and fan girling badly. "Whats happening?" we all said in unison. I quizzed Beau with my eyes but he was caught up in emotion. Happy emotion.

"The Janoskians are signing with MTV!" and with that the boys looked like stunned mullets! The opportunity was too good to pass "Smile Boys!" the shutter on the camera clicked as my smirk continue to grow.


Chapter 3: DONE!

Sorry it took forever and a half to get this chapter out but i have been busy with school. Reports are going out soon and i need a good grade or new school for me! Anyways enough about me, how did you like the chapter? was it amazing or plain average? do tell!

i would like to point out that i am not racist! i just pictured the scene like that with the Indian guy and i am not being mean to tupac fans! i actually love his music so please no hate! all hate will be reported! and removed.

I try and include as much as the Janoskian boys and there videos, keeks, photos or anything about them. Did you like Baby Annabelle? i dont even know what to talk about in the writers comment at the end... anyways you have heard enough of my life but remember comment, vote and fan me!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2012 ⏰

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