Chapter 2: 'Shit I Forgot To Feed My Fish'

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 (Not Edited)

"Shit I forgot to feed my fish!"' Beau barged through the house and into the bathroom  as we all chased after him. "Give us back the Maccas bag!" I screamed out as we made our way  to the bathroom. Beau decided to make a runner out of the car with the food, we're even lucky he managed to put on the hand break to stop!

"Never!" we tried opening the door but came to realisation that he locked it. Luke and Jai started pushing the door to see if the lock would give way and open up but that failed. "Wait, wait"' I whispered to the boys, they stepped back with a puzzled  look on their faces. I put my hand out to signal to be quiet as I placed my ear on the door and heard Beau talking to someone. I looked back to the boys and they soon joined me with all our ears on the door listening. 

"Who he talking to?" Jai asked and Luke and I both shrugged our shoulder. "My guess is as good as yours" I giggled. Jai suddenly kick the door which made it fly open, we all walked in to see Beau sitting on the toilet with his IPhone out in front of him making a keek. "Say hi guys" a smirk covered Beau's face as he pointed the phone towards us, with all our faces stunned as a mullet all I managed to do was wave at the phone. Well my first ever keek is awkward as hell…

"What's going on in here!?" Gina walked in the bathroom to find us all laughing. "Really Beau?'' she shook her head with amusement and walked out again, "Love you too mum!" he called after her.

"Now who wants to eat!" all our faces lit up with excitement but that was short lived as it set in that the food has been in a bathroom. "nahh I think I'll pass" I exclaimed with all the boys nodding in agreement. "Now that this debate had passed would you mind stepping out of the bathroom so I can relieve myself" Beau smirked.

"Fuck you were actually on the toilet?!" Jai swore and walked out not waiting for Beau to reply. "Laters" Luke and I both walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. "So what do you want to eat?'' Luke started looking around the kitchen cupboard for food. "Well what can you cook?" I raised an eyebrow in responds. "Noodles?" He replied.

"Two minutes noodles?" I exclaimed with a smirk and walked over towards the cupboard where he is standing and looked for some tomato paste. "Possible" he trailed off and started looking out the window for inspiration, while gave me a perfect view of this sexy jaw line.

"Spaghetti bolognaise!" I said as I grabbed all the ingredients from the pantry and freezer. " Did someone say spaghetti?'' Daniel, James, Jai and Beau all came into the kitchen licking there lips hungrily. "Luke is this your new girlfriend! Why didn’t u tell us about her! She is quite a catch I must say" Daniel but this hands over his heart fake hurt but of coarse this comment made a strong blush spread across my cheeks but lucky they didn’t notice. Fml!

"No! I am just with her for our health class baby assignment" Luke explained to James and Daniel but I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. "You mean the fake baby thing?!" James exclaimed suddenly. "Yupp" I chimed into the conversation as I prepared the meat to get cooked. "OMG! Its Lahme!'' Daniel jumped up and down happily and started singing the Lahme song which made us all sing along. "'Boys I am just going to pick up the fan mail because I got a call saying its over flowed again, I'll be back soon" Gina called out from the front door. "Oh and girl!" she added which made me smile. "BYEEEE!'' we all screamed back in unison.

"Well?" Beau smiled deviously and I gave him a questionable look. "well what?'' Luke asked confused. "Well where is the baby exactly?" Beau's devious smile grew wider by the second. Both Luke and I looked at each "Fuck!" we realised that we had left the baby in the car. We both made our way to the car with Daniel screaming out "Look what parents they have turned out to be!'' and with the constant laugher streaming from the kitchen after the comment. "Great we are going to fail this assignment on the first day!'' Luke started laughing all the way to Beau's car. "At least we tried…" I trailed off at how untrue it is.

Gina ended up coming back around six after we finished the spaghetti with 5 large boxes over filled with fan mail, beanies, DVD basically everything you could imagine. We all helped her get the boxes out and started going through them one by one. James told me that on a Friday night is 'fan mail night' as they always go through them.

"I want to read that one!'' Daniel is whining over the fact that Luke has a envelope with a pretty picture on it and he doesn't. "But there are plenty more" Luke picked up a whole handful of envelopes with picture on it but Daniel still didn’t care, he got his heart set on the one in Luke's hand. Beau and James are reading the back of a DVD they have received and Jai is trying on yet another beanie, I swear that kid has enough beanies to last more then a lifetime! I am sitting on the lounge with the baby asleep in my arm watching the night unfold.

After Luke and I got the baby out of the car we set up everything in the twins room for it, it probably took us a hour or so setting up the cot, high chair and with Beau constantly stealing and hiding the baby around the house it was a massive effort.

"Yallah man I am sick off this! Lets go to the gym" Daniel gave up on trying to pry the envelope away from Luke. All the boys put down their items and Beau grabbed his car keys "The gym it is!''. Luke walked over to me and picked up the baby and pulled me off the chair. "Why are we going to the gym and ten at night?'' I asked as we walked out to Beau's car. "Because we can?" Luke replied and I giggled. "Destiny you are gonna have to sit on Luke's lap" Beau said casually and hopped into the car. Ohhh the excitement!

We ended up at the gym around eleven with occasional piss stop, screaming out the window and going around the roundabout more times then I can count courteous of the driver Beau. And yet people fall in love with his crazy personality. I carried the baby into the gym and surprisingly there are many people here considering the time of night it is, half of them giving me dirties because I can carrying a baby that looks real. Teen mom coming through! ;) The gym is jam packed with every exercise machine possible and has a full boxing ring at the back were Daniel is heading to as you would expect, the rest of the boys including me walked to a room where we all sat down and chilled.

My phoned started blasting Die Young by kesha signalling I have a caller. I handed the baby to Luke and walked out of the room. "Hello?'' I answer

"Honey where the hell are you?!" my mum answered with mixed emotions. Holy shit I forgot to tell my mother. "Well I have a fake baby assignment and I am staying with the brooks brother for the night" I explained.

"Yeah I know about the assignment, your health class teacher told all the parents before you guys'' ohh so that’s why Gina never asked why I was over. It all makes sense now! "Really?" we didn’t know that" I replied.

"Well do you want me to drop some clothes off?'' my mother changed the subject. The one thing I love about my mum is she never get mad and tell me off. Which is a blessing! "Okay thanks" I smiled to myself.

"Well I will drop them off now and see you tomorrow. Bye" she hanged up before I said goodbye. I walked back in the room were the boys where and sat down. "Hey where is Luke?'' I ask not caring who answered. All the boys pointed to a door that is a uni sex toilet. I walked over to find Luke trying to change the baby's nappy. He was groaning as he could not word out how to put the nappy on and they baby is crying its head off. "Stupid thing!'' he said frustrated and chucked the nappy.

"Here let me help" I grabbed another nappy and in less then one minutes the baby stopped crying and the nappy was secured on. Luke had his mouth shaped like a 'o' in surprise "how did you do that!?'' he was puzzled. "Motherly touch" I waved my fingers in the air before picking up the baby and walking back to the boys which are pissing themselves with laughter now. I giggled when Luke walked back into the room as the boys shit themselves more. "Motherly touch!" all the boys cheered and wiggled there fingers like I did before.


Why are people on Wattpad so nice! Most of you are nicer than my friends.. Dare I say it ahaha Thankyou for the comments and votes! Sorry about the lack of humour in this chapter but don’t worry I have some funny stuff planned so be prepared! and sorry its shoooort ! And if you dont like swearing please reconsider reading this story.

Remember comment, vote and FAN ME !! That’s all I gotta say really...boring I know ;)


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