8 - unconditional

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The warmth slowly fading.. but the slow thumping of her heart beating as she continuously lives through the roots of my flower filled land. Her body enveloped by a beautiful spring like garden.. as calm as her peaceful face, gazing through the vast galaxy of tranquil stars laid upon the night sky.

It was not cold. Not anymore.

Even without her body's warmth.. she was alive in our hearts. She was technically alive. She's still alive by the help of my plants that still holds a string to her very last breaths.

I hold Sammuel as he weep. The city of royals were going down to tatters as I cast a spell of drought through the land they step upon. The other families residing on the small villages treated as peasants.. I have long instructed to move on to another place to live on.

"It has only been ten days.. and everyone is adjusting well to the change of environment. Their houses are slowly coming in and are built to form foundation. You shall lead them Sammuel, you are the only person fit for the job." I said in a calm soothing manner as he shed tears that watered her mother's body.

"I feel grief too.. sorrow and loneliness for your Mother's death. But, life shall go on and continue Sammuel. You are a leader now.. you shall carry a burden to save your people, to save the peasants from the harsh ways of the royals." I encouraged him as I guided him up to the mountains of our new found home.

A place abundant of fertile soil, rich in minerals and healthy vegitation. The air is clear and fresh to breathe in, adding to the calmness of every caress of the breeze.

Chirping and groaning of birds and other wild animals surrounded the forest on the Mountain. It was a peaceful land. Very fitting for a fresh start.

"My mother said she would be sentenced to die after three days.. why do you think she was killed today, right at the moment she was captured. I thought there might be anyway to save her through that period of time.. but I guess not." He sobbed through his words and clutched at the fabric of my clothes. I whispered random soothing things to his ears and calmned him down to sleep...

Wet cheeks laid at my lap as he lie there.. his eyes closed and distant from the truth.. it was being pulled away forcefully by the fatigue slowly kicking in his system. The hurt eating his being in a very creeping manner as he have been slowly crawling through depression. Barely eating anything, staring in a daze and always murmuring things you could not comprehend. He was undergoing a phase of self destruction.

I shall pull him away before it gets any worse than this. His smooth soft golden skin.. being illuminated by the sun, the calmness of his breathing indicating the sweet paradise he is in.. a dream.. together with his mother as he work with her to gather harvest and plough the fertile lands.

The clouds slowly covering the sky telling us a message of an upcoming rain. It was heavy and dark, with lightning and thunders. And slowly the big drops of rain started to pour. I used the big leaves of the plants to shield us from the harsh cold rain.

The gods are confused. Uncle Zeus was thinking. He's distraught. And something is telling me I should.. visit Olympus.

Something is pulling me to go back.

'Remember to go back, Hadi.'

A shiver run down my spine as I remembered Tia's words. She wanted me to go back to Olympus. Maybe she's right. I should go back and look for some answers, and maybe I could ask them to give me a chance... A chance to make Sammuel alive again.. to make him feel alive again.

"I'd be back, my love." I planted a kiss on his forehead as I placed him down on the dry branch of a big tree as its thick arms enveloped him in a warm embrace.

Olympus was my other home. But never have I associated with the mortal things to be discussed upon. It is the first time I'd be to join a meeting for the mortals. And the only time I would be asking for their favors.

I stepped inside the tranquil place called Olympus. The gods gathered in front of a feast they never get to finish, and are seriously talking about different matter concerning the young town that lives a beautiful maiden Aphriam wanted to turn to a Immortal creature and give her long lasting life.

My ears perked up in interest. Is there any way to turn Tia into something.. without removing the old Tia.. the Tia I know and raised me as if I'm her own? I raised my head to Uncle Zeus' direction as his voice boomed like thunder all through out the palace of Olympus. His words proud and loud, it held power as his words are supreme.

"There can always be a way for us gods to do things our way.. but be sure to be prepared of the consequences you might get from these, Aphriam my boy.. think." Aphriam stood tall and never backing down.

They have discussed of further in this topic. Some gods losing interest and started to crawl back to their usual places. I was planted where I stood from the very beginning.. making up the words I should tell him.

And when I felt a piercing stare directed at me I immediately lifted my head up and stared right back at his ocean blue eyes. Uncle Zeus was an intimidating god. He was oozing of power and pride.

A great God and ruler.

"What a surprise.. you visited after a very long time, I suppose I should know why" he urged me to take a sit beside him as he sat to his throne. I dragged my feet to where he was and took a deep breath.

"I want to give life." I said.

"Well you have been always doing that, why bother mentioning it now.. you give life to plants." I shook my head and swallowed a lump in my throat.

"I want to give life to the dead." His forehead creased and I took deep breaths to calm my breathing as the urge and the slow clenching of my heart pushes me to shed tears of sorrow at the death of Tia.

"Death.. is a natural thing. It could not be reversed. You could give life through the dead.. but they shall not be the same creatures then. I have never witnessed.. reviving the dead." My heavy breathing sped up as I was slumped with disappointment. The high expectations I came here with and hope slowly dimming as the rays of the sun slowly went down.

"But.. figure it out yourself. You could try.. as long as a god wants something to be done there shall be a way to it."

I descended the Mountain of Olympus and went on to the trail back to the new Village we have opened. My identity as a goddess still a hidden secret from my people. As I approach the sleeping village a figure waited for me outside a small hut made from tree branches.

He had a smile on his face.. with sadness clinging to it like a sour aftertaste. I returned the smile as I gave him an embrace. His warmth slowly enveloping me again, and giving me overflowing energy as he supported me back to our new home..

"I will take back Tia.. I promise." I whispered to his ears as he hugged me tighter, and I felt my shoulder pool with tears once again.

I would never ask for anything else in return. As long as I'm with you.. I'm happy.. as long as you are, I would be continuing being alive. As long as you both are with me, you are my sources of life.

You make me feel alive. .

"I love you."

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