2 - aphriam

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The seed started to glow as I picked it up and set it on my hand, every ticking second the seed started to spurt. With a beautiful color resonating from the inside of every leaf. Within a mere minute its a full grown tree. I stared blankly at the beautiful specimen. It has been a hobby since I started going on and off the land of mortals. I had my own spread of land designed to be mine, and now as I grow, the population of new plants also grow.

Now it is filled with glowing colors of trees and flowers of different kind. A small smile crept to my lips as I stared at the vast land before me. The snow does not affect the plants, since it is my power who keeps them alive, they shall not wither if I don't say so, or if another god wish for them to, or a mortal trample upon my creation.

"I see your plants are growing well Adrieas?" I nod my head in satisfaction. I turned around to face Aphriam with a scowl on my face. It has been a week and he has not stopped pestering me, following me around my whereabouts in the village, meddling as to why I won't spend my free time in Olympus rather than wasting it on the mortals realm.

"Yes it has indeed. Now shall I ask you again why you're still here?" I had both my hands on my hips awaiting for a good answer and not like those ones he answered me before.

"Oh nothing much, is it wrong not to be comfortable away from your future spouse? I shall be with you when I get back to the Mountain Of Olympus." In the end I get these answers. I shook my head in disbelief, I could not get any proper answer from him even if it takes me years.

"Then stop fooling around and help other villagers while you are at it." I take my leave feeling him trail behind me as I make my way back to Sammuel's abode. When I get there the table was filled with food ready to be eaten. I looked around curiously as I search for any form of celebration but there was none.

"What is the occasion Tia?" I said as I too a sit on the chair right beside me. Sammuel's house were nothing like our home in the underworld, this house was small, rusty, uncleaned and not anywhere near comfort, however it really felt like it's real. A real house.
Unlike ours, an empty place.

"It was delivered here by some Castle Guards from beyond the gate of the Empire, perhaps they are for you, we did not say a thing since we are not allowed to talk to higher clans. We are peasants after all. Why? Are they not for you?" I shook my head and trailed my attention to Aphriam who is there behind me.
I guess this guy has something to do with it.

"I was the one who told them to bring food. I was starving and nothing in this land befits my liking, I had to go all my way for proper food. Honestly, how could you get by with all this filth, everything in this village is garbage including the people--" With that my fist was flying straight to his abdomen with a loud thud. This guy could not be anymore rude.

"Watch what you say. They are my other family. You go disrespecting them just because they are lower than you? Go back home Aphriam, I could kill you." Then I went to pick up the silver platter and attempted to throw it at him, but I was stopped by two frail hands.

"Don't do it, my dear Hadi. Food is a blessing from the Gods, it could be disrespectful to spoil the food. Please, just sit down. We don't mind the words he just said, all of those were nothing but the truth." My insides churned as I felt a foreign feeling that resonates how I disliked Tia treated their kind, as if its alright to be treated that way.

However, I can't really change the way they think, and it is really disrespectful to throw food, especially one that is made to satisfy a god's tongue.

"Aphriam, please behave yourself from now on. I would not tolerate such attitude. Now sit." I ordered as I also took the sit I had earlier before Aphriam said those disgraceful words. As we take the food we were served we silently ate and enjoyed the burst of satisfaction playing on our palate. It was a normal lunch however not until Sammuel cleared his throat and turned to a rather difficult situation again.

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