Chapter 11 : Dealing with issues

Start from the beginning

before i could continue my rambling his firm voice cutted me in middle

"come to the office then talk"

and with that he disconnected the call.

my jaws really fell on floor and i just thought 'wasn't that difficult '

i immediately rushed towards the my mercedes ,my driver opened the gate for me, i slipped in left and left for dad's office. I hate sitting back and letting the driver drive,because he can never chase my speed.But dad likes it like this way,he prefers me not driving and tells that's for what he alloted me the driver.

after a drive of 30 minutes we pulled in front of a large 75 storey skyscraper that contains offices of several companies.10 floor belongs to the office of carter corporations. I made my way to the elevator and nodded my reply to various persons.I've never officialy participated in any activity of Carter corp.but being the son 'Charles Carter' is sufficient to get enough respect,although i try to be humble with everyone and never lets this status override my true self.After all these are what i've been running away from since last 2 years ,but now i'll make evrything perfect and satisfy myslef.

the elevator stopped at floor 25 and i stepped out and made my way to his office.I open the glass door and stepped inside ,feels a massacre just took place and i'm the one who was resposible for which.Because right now every pair eyes were sticked over me. I dropped my head down and smiled and heard some hushes 'oh my gosh, he's sexier than he looked in the picture.' 'why is he here' 'so cute ' most of the voices were obviously feminine. And i avoided them and continued pacing towards Dad's cabin. when a man aroun 40s stopped me .

"Chris my dear "

"Jackson ,How are you?" i smiled

jackson is my dad's P.A and he's an amazing man, i know him from various family dinners .Dad invites him because he thinks it'd make him applauded.But i have no grudge against him ,he's really nice.

"i'm very well ,it's great to see you here .Are you here to meet MR.Carter?" he asked putting his hand on my shoulder.

"yeah,i guess"

"well i'm afraid you'll have to wait then he's in a meeting " he said

i thought and then spatted " it's okay i'm slipping him in dad's cabin anyway to wait for him.When he comes out tell him i'm waiting in here "

i could see the frown on his face but i don't give a shit to it. I have full access to everything owned by dad.

i slipped in his cabin and took a view of the room. A wooden table covered with pile of documents,a coffee mug and a photo frame.I went closer to see the picture in it.As i did it,a smile formed on my face.It was my and clair's picture when we were 10 years old and did a food fight which was organised by our dad.We were covered in Food and drinks and looked really cute with a free smile.I moved towards the royal blue wall and saw some other pictures of mom and dad ,of mine and claire's childhood ,teenage.Then i notice my picture in which i was shirtless and was sitting on the beach .This is of last week.How did he get this ,i don't remember giving him this.

My mind came to stop when i heard a voice from behind me " i really loved this one"

I turned around to see my dad penetrating me through his eyes .I could see there anger ,care,hurt everything. I'm the biggest culprit who has never given a reason to him to smile because i turned into a selfish man.I feel a lot of emotion in his eyes that is very tedious for me to assemble at once.

Lowering my head with guilt i moved my steps towards him and stopped when i collided with him.

"i'm..really sorry dad" i said without raising my head.

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