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Hello to my fellow readers! I hate to break it to you but this book will be on hold till I catch up with my life.  It breaks my heart to say that my research of this story has not been finished and I would have to keep researching. I know some of you would be fine with it not having a good Korean setting but I care about that. My research would be about Korea, Japan,  and China basically Asia. I don't want my story to be to Americanized since I am uncomfortable in doing so. For me researching and having a somewhat realistic plot is important as a writer. A writer doesn't have to do research or have a realistic plot but for me personally I like my thoughts and ideas to be realistic to an extent. It would take me 3 more moths to write a chapter that I am proud of. Mind you I tend to love writing long chapters instead of short ones. So please wait patiently till then.

My one shot will be a howgarts one with a twist! If it isn't that it maybe be a detective AU

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My one shot will be a howgarts one with a twist! If it isn't that it maybe be a detective AU. -this will be done in to months by now hopefully.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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