Chapter 11

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--- Aither’s POV ---

“I-I… There was a fish in the pool.” It sounds stupid when I say it out loud.

“There was no fish in the pool.”

“But, I saw it several times, it had a blue tail, and it was diving, and-“

“Aither, there was no fish.” Raiden wasn’t glaring at me anymore, but he looked frustrated.

Why is Raiden in the pool, anyway? With… no shirt on.

My eyes glided down his muscular body, before stopping at his navel. There were scales. Scales? I noticed scales on his neck and around his waist as well.

I swallowed. “Raiden, those aren't tattoos.”

“No,” he said slowly, “They’re not tattoos.”

I looked down past his navel. He has a tail! It moved back and forth slowly, keeping him above the surface.

“Aither, you okay?” Raiden asked, concerned.

I gaped at him. Then, I passed out.

Cool water hit my face. I blinked my eyes open. “Raiden?” He scowled down at me. I sat up, and looked around.

I was sitting at the side of the pool, Raiden next to me. His tail half in the pool, he flicked water at me again.

“Aither, you should really be more careful.” His tone was casual, but he wasn't looking at me.

“R-raiden! You have a tail, you're a mermaid. Oh my god, you’re a mermaid,” I panicked.

Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around me. “I was so worried about you,” he mumbled into my shoulder.

I hugged him back, “I’m sorry.” He let go and I inspected his tail.

“Wow, it's stunning.” It really was, it blended into his waist seamlessly, starting from his navel. His scales were ombre, going from light green at his waist to dark blue on his webbed tail.

I traced a finger down the scales on his collarbone, awestruck. He swallowed.

Suddenly, I realized what I was doing. I pulled my finger away, but he grabbed my wrist.

“You can touch them,” his voice was husky, and his eyes looked darker. I brought my finger to the scales around his waist. They were larger than the ones at his neck, and I went over each one.

Bringing my finger to his navel, I gently pushed at one of his scales and he shuddered slightly.

Looking up into his lust filled eyes, I wondered, How would you fuck a mermaid?

Raiden cleared his throat, the tips of his ears red. I moved my curious finger away from his scales.

“Anyway, I'm not a mermaid. I'm a merman.”


“There's a difference.”

“Alright, merman. Can you do magic?”

He shrugged and flapped his tail. “Not really. Just hiding my scales and tail.”

“Can I see?” Even though it was just hiding his merman parts, it's still magic!

He coughed, embarrassed. “If I turn back now, I'd be naked.” He pointed at his clothes on the far side of the room.

“Oh, okay.” I tried to put the image of him naked out of my head. “You’re way sexier than any Aquaman I've seen.”

“Really?” He quirked an eyebrow, smirking.

Blushing, I hid my face in my hands. I said that out loud?

“Just go put on your clothes,” I muttered.

He saluted, “Yes, sir.” He slid into the pool and swam over to his clothes, his tail propelling him through the water powerfully. I'll never be able to swim that well.

It was always my dream to be a famous swimmer. Now, I'm not so sure it'll ever happen.

I shivered, realizing my clothes were all wet. I don't have any spare ones…

Raiden came back, fully clothed. He helped me up, steadying me. “Do you need to borrow something to wear?” He eyed my soggy outfit.

I nodded bashfully, and he handed me a shirt and pants to put on. I went into the locker room to change.

I stripped off the soggy clothing, and rubbed myself down with my towel. I slid Raiden's shirt over my head. Trying to dry my underwear the best I could, I put his pants on.

They're a little big, but it's okay. They smell like him. Like sea salt.

I came out, lugging my bag behind me. He snickered.

“Do they really look that big on me?” I twirled around.

He burst into laughter. I glared at him and marched out. He followed me, still cackling.

Stepping outside, Raiden apologized and offered to have his brother drive me home.

I accepted, and he called his brother. They argued for a bit, then Raiden hung up.

“You see what I mean? This is why you're lucky you don't have any siblings.”

I laughed, and we talk until Raiden's brother comes.

He rolled into the parking lot in a bright red car, his hood ornament sparkling.

“Hop in! I will be your chauffeur for today!” Rob said from the front seat.

We got in the car. Raiden sat next to me in the backseat. Rob talked about Raiden's childhood, and embarrassed him with joy.

They have a really good relationship…

“And then, Kayla caught him stealing!” Rob crowed over Raiden's protests.

“Okay, we're at his stop!” Raiden sighed. He kisses my forehead and leaned across my lap to open the door for me. “Bye, Aither. See you tomorrow.”

“Bye, Raiden,” I grinned at him, knowing he was trying get me out of the car before I heard any more stories.

“Aw, isn't that nice.” Rob made kissy faces in the mirror, and Raiden punched his arm. I got out of the car and went into my apartment, waving goodbye.

Raiden looks just like his brother, except slightly smaller. Could Rob be a merman as well?

I unlocked the door to the apartment, keys jingling.

“You’re back late.” Fox popped out of their bedroom, holding a bowl filled with buttery popcorn.

“Yeah, there was a, um, fish in the pool.” I mentally face palmed.

“Oh, cool. Want some popcorn?” They held the bowl out. Thank goodness they're so oblivious.

“No, I'm trying to eat healthy, remember?” I set my bag down on the counter.

“So am I. I just like to treat myself every once in a while.” Fox shrugged. “Also, what's up with the big clothes?” They crammed another handful of popcorn in their mouth.

“Uh, they're Raiden's.” I should return them to him tomorrow.

Fox blinked, then an evil smile crept across their face. “I bet five bucks you sniffed them.”

Without a word, I went to my bedroom, pulled out my wallet, walked back into the kitchen, and handed them five dollars. It's pointless to argue.

Fox danced around the kitchen, spilling popcorn on the floor. “And you call me dirty minded!” They laughed, and I blushed. I slinked off into the bathroom.

Taking off Raiden’s clothes, I laid them carefully on the bathroom counter, reminding myself to wash them.

I stepped into the shower and let the water run over my body. A lot happened today… I found out Raiden is a merman, and that the scales I saw are real.

I grabbed the bar of soap and scrubbed myself, remembering how he saved me.

I finished my shower and changed into pajamas. I laid on my bed, propping an arm under my head.

His muscular, lean body. Pressed against mine, slicked with sweat. His ragged panting…

I rubbed the front of my pants, imagining him with me, and it turned me on.

I put a hand in my boxers, stroking myself. I threw my head back, as waves of pleasure washed over me.

I came, moaning hard. I cleaned up, and got ready to go to bed. What will tomorrow bring? Should I ask him to go on a date with me?

Many people would be freaked out by finding out their crush is a merman. But all I could think was how sexy his scales were. And that I got to see him naked, technically.

Which definitely helped out my imagination.

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