Chapter 3

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--- Aither's POV ---

I laid on my bed, comfy in my pajamas. Phone in my shaking hand, thumb hovered over his contact.

Raiden gave me his number yesterday, after swim club. And then he winked at me. Did that mean something?

Call him? Don't call him? Ahhh, I don't know what to do!

I buried my head in my pillow, freaking out. Then, I heard my phone's dial tone.



I called him accidentally.

The phone rang, but I couldn't bring myself to hang up. What if he answers?


"Hello?" His scratchy voice sent tingles up my spine. I must have woken him up.

"Ah, h-hey."

"... Aither?"

"Yeah, it's me. Sorry for waking you up."

"It's okay."

The line went silent for a while. I couldn't think of anything to say.

"So, uh. What did you want to talk to me about?"

Idiot! Think of something, fast!

"Um, so do you think we'll be able to get into the championships?"

"The championships? For what?"

"Swim club! Every year we compete against other schools and the winner gets to compete for the state."

We spent the rest of the night talking, it felt like he was next to me, and looking straight into my soul.

It was only until I look at my alarm clock did I realize.

It's 4 AM already?

"Raiden, I have to go. We have school soon."

"Oh shit, yeah."

"Talk to you in school?" I heard him chuckle through the phone.

"Yeah, talk to you in school." He hung up.

I sighed, and held my phone to my heart. Why is it beating so fast?

Thoughts raced through my head. Most of them about Raiden. The rest about what I'll wear to school. Somehow, I managed to fall asleep.

Only to be woken up 2 hours later.


"Hey, wake up." Someone shook me.

"Leave me alone..." I pushed them away.

"Aither, wake up before I slap your shit into next year."

I opened my eyes, only to see a mass of purple hair hovering over me.

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