Project Double X

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It's been two weeks since Jace went missing. Noah acts if he has never seen or heard of Jace.

Noah came running up beside me,"Taylor! Have you gotten over this Jace thing?"
I laughed at him,"Do you mean have you?"
"Taylor listen to me! It's best for you to forget about Jace."
"Oh so you are saying there was a Jace? Get your fact straight there brother! Oh wait! Are you not real? Have you never been born? Bye Noah"

I walked to the main floor. I pulled the key out and unlocked the door. The floor is mostly closed during the night. I locked the door behind me and kept the lights off. I walked to the main computer and logged in. Being one of the main captains is one of the best things to be. I was looking at files but couldn't find anything till I found Project double X. I clicked on it and started reading it. All of Jace's files was on this file. I pulled up his blood test. It was unbelievable! He was 55% bird and 45% human. No wonder they want to get rid of him. I loaded the files on to a flash drive. I went to find Noah.

I ran up to Noah,"We need to talk need!"
He turned around,"Yes?"
"I thought there was no Jace Norman?"
He looked at me mad,"There is no Jace! Now I'm really getting sick if this Taylor!"
I leveled my eyes with his,"Then want is this!" I throw the flash drive in his face.
He picked the drive up,"What is this?"
I started to get heated,"That is Project Double X!"
He turned pale,"Where did you get this?"
"I got key and a code!"
"You are in danger just like him!"
"No the only one that's going to be in danger is you if you don't start talking!"
"Taylor you won't understand!"
"Oh here we go again! Actually I'm starting to think you don't understand! I'm not little kid anymore! I'm not even a kid! Noah start talking!"

He turned around and walked off,"That's fine Noah! Just walk off! It's the thing you can do! Now I know how your kid feels! Walk off is the only thing you know how to do and it's the only thing your going to know how to do! Grow up some Noah!"

I hate Noah and hate how he treats me like a little baby!

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