Your safe with me

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My world was falling apart but I kept fighting on. Noah stayed up day and night, he never got any sleep. I wish I could help but I don't know what's going on with Noah.

I walked outside and my voice was low "Noah?"

"Yea?" He said wondering what.

I sat down beside him "will mom and dad come back?"


"Why not?"

"Cause there are people that want us dead..." I cut him off

"But why!?"

"You wouldn't understand"

"Why not! I'm 10! Most kids my age are getting ready for Christmas and we are running for our life's! What do I not understand!? The fact that you treat me like a little baby!? If so I do understand that! Its so annoying! I'm not a baby! I know you're the oldest so get to explaining!"

"Its not that easy! I treat you like a baby cause you are one! You will always be a baby cause your my baby sister! I'm suppose pretact you now that mom and dad ain't here! Yea I know that but we ain't normal! Don't you think Josh feels the same way!? I haven't told him! We are on our own now and we can't trust nobody! Got it?"

"I hate you!" I stormed off but before I did I heard Noah say "I do to but you will understand why I can't tell you."

When everybody was in the living room Noah started to talk "ok so we are going to Nashville!"

Josh looked at Noah "Why?"

I looked at Josh "cause we are running for our life's!"

Josh looked at Noah about to cry "is that true?"

Noah didn't want to answer but he did "yes Josh its true"

Josh got up and locked his self and his room

Noah looked at me "so you really know?"

I looked down "just the part where we are running for our life's"

"I'm sorry, I'm trying my best to get us home safe home but they are everywhere" Noah's voice broke

"Why couldn't you just tell us?" I started to cry.

Noah came over and hugged me "Its not that easy"

"What's not?"

"Let's just say you and Josh are safe here with me"

"Ok fine." I got up and walked off

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