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Wang yibo stood up from his seat. He loosened his school necktie and walked in front, but xiao zhan didn't notice him.

Wang yibo didn't let his teacher finish what he was saying when he immediately grabbed the back of his teacher's neck and kissed him on the lips

Yes, on the lips.

Yes, he kissed his teacher, who was also his crush since xiao zhan was hired by his uncle.

And he kissed his teacher in front of his classmates, who was now cheering and shouting. Others were giggling and laughing. Some of the girls dropped their jaw.

They didn't expect it.

"Mr. Xiao, you keep ranting nonsense to us, that why my lips suddenly possessed by the devil and kissed you" wang yibo said in a sweet tone while looking at his beautiful shocked teacher.

"You----" xiao zhan got his words cutted again when wang yibo sealed his lips into his own.

"It's enough, Mr. Xiao" wang yibo smiled to his.

"I wi----" wang yibo kissed him again in the third time.

"Oh, Mr. Xiao, you surely love my lips, and it's free, by the way. All you need to do is approach me. okay?" wang yibo said as he let go of the neck of xiao zhan that he was holding.

All of his classmates are already fangirling and fanboying of the scene in front of them.

Wang yibo kissed xiao zhan's right cheek again before going back to his seat while his friends gave him applause and thumbs up.

"I-- c-class d-dismissed," xiao zhan said.

"Mr. Xiaooooooo" wang yibo suddenly shouted.


"See you later, boyfieeeee," wang yibo said, waving his hands to xiao zhan.

Xiao zhan didn't reply and hurriedly left the classroom with a burning face.

"Mr. Xiao, what happened?" Jiang yanli asked. She is the next teacher of the class that xiao zhan's been handling.

They may be the smartest section but also full of shameless students. Xiao zhan thought.

"Hmm..n-nothing bye." Xiao zhan and immediately walked away from jiang yanli.

When Xiao zhan walked out, wang yibo smirked.

"Hopefully, Mr. Xiao zhan will rant us tomorrow again, " he said and chuckled that immediately got slapped to the back of his head from lan shizui.

"Hey!!! Stop slapping me. I don't want my brain to fall down to my stomach, " he said.

"Oh, I didn't know you have a brain,"

"I have a brain, but it's keep thinking about Mr. Xiao zhan" again wang yibo received a slapped at the back of his head from lan sizhui.


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