“Milo you are really lucky our sister likes you or we would have socked you one,” Bailey said good naturedly.

“Now I know it is more fear that drives me,” he replied.

“Anyway safe trip and enjoy whatever it is Milo has in store for you.” They all left kissing both me and Milo goodbye.

“Well they seemed cheery today,” he said sarcastically.

“They are just grumpy because they didn't have breakfast.”

“Speaking of which we have got to get moving. Time waits on no man,” he said smiling.

“Where are we going?”

“It wouldn't be a surprise if I told now would it?”

I decided to shut my mouth and not ask any questions again. I dosed off a little on the ride and woke up just as he were entering an airport parking lot. Sitting up in the seat my curiosity was peaked.

“You're up.”

“Where are we?” I asked.
“At the International Airport. I am taking you to New York.”

“Oh my god Milo are you serious. That is on my bucket list of places to visit. Tell me you are kidding.”

“Do I look like someone that jokes around,” he said firmly.

“Not really.”

“Then you have answered your question.” 

Suddenly my happiness died. “But Milo I don’t have my passport.”

“Check your purse pocket.”

Glancing at him like he was crazy I obliged him. I would have known if I had my passport in my bag. Pushing my hand inside I felt something. Pulling it out, it was there with a note.

“Sorry we helped tricking you but we had to. He actually made a power point presentation on why we had to assist him and it was thirty pages long. He was torturing us. After page ten we gave in.   Have an amazing time in New York.

Those traitors. However, I chuckled I could see Mika's eyes burning out their socket, Leah melting out her chair and Bailey pulling out her hair. Mika couldn't stand reading much less looking at words, Leah's attention span was short she was always ready to move to the next big thing and Bailey would be like condense your information I got more important things to do. They knew where Milo was taking me all along.

Parking the car he rushed us into the terminal and through immigration. I felt anticipation grip me.  Heading towards the seating area of the terminal I was spun around by Milo.  He grabbed my hands and started pulling me towards the tarmac. What was going on with him today? He seemed excited yet on edge. Walking rapidly out of the terminal he briskly moved us almost to the end of the runway to a super light jet. Standing outside the plane were two pilots, a steward and stewardess. They all smiled a greeting to Milo. Seeing him here made me finally realize just how wealthy he was. A private plane, private attendant, butler, and chauffeur. Yet in my eyes he was an ordinary man. No cooperate suit, brief case or a phone eternally glued to his ear.

“Good Morning, Mr. Herrera our flight time will be six hours and fifty minutes. Please sit back and enjoy the ride. It is calling for sunny skies today so we should have a smooth ride throughout the entire flight. Please make sure to buckle up before takeoff.”

Everyone got in their prospective seats and buckled in. The takeoff was easy and our descent begun. About ten minutes into the flight the pilot informed us up over the speakers we could take our seat belts off. Milo sat across from me with his legs folded at the knees.

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