"Then I'll do something," Nick said," I will see to it that nothing happens to Judy."

"What if you only make things worse?" Faiyh asked," Everytime I try to talk to Judy, she get upset and it starts a fight. You and Judy have been good about keeping a friendship alive for the sake of the kits, but Nick....if you try to talk some reason into her....I'd hate for all of that to be ruined."

"Then what the hell am I supposed to do?" Nick asked," These are my kids this bastard is taking care of. That is MY bunny he has terrified. That is my family, faith."

Faith sighed and said," Nick, the only thing we can do is hope she will open her eyes before it is too late."

"Ok," Nick said," I got to go. I'll talk to you later."

"Take it easy, Nick," Faith said, hanging up the phone.

Nick turned around and saw Stu standing behind him," I know its rude to eavesdrop. However, I could help but overhear."

Nick sighed," What am i gonna do, Stu?"

The rabbit shook his head," Nick...i really dont know. We both know how Judy is. Ince she has her mind on something, God himself cant change it."

Nick nodded his head," I gotta get back to work."
"Your sister dropped by," Jason said as Judy walked through the door," But I guess you already knew that, huh?"

Judy shook her head," I am not fighting tonight. I had a hard day at work, I just want to relax."

"I have told you that I do not like mammals coming to my house."

"I'm sorry," Judy said," I didnt know my sister was in that category. I had to get SOMEONE to feed my kids. Obviously you weren't gonna do it."

"I do not want these mammals come to my fucking house."

Judy shook her head," That's it, I'm out of here. I'm an getting my kids and we are leaving."

Without warning, Jason got up and pinned Judy to the wall by her neck," You? Leave? Now, darlin, why the hell would you do that? From what I can tell, you dont have enough money for a hotel, your sister cant fit you in her tiny ass home, and that fucking fox you continue to drag to my house is out of town. Now you tell me this, carrot cake," Jason said, tightening his grip," Where are you going to go?"

Judy was struggling to get out of his grasp but failed," You cant trap me here," Judy said.

"I'm not trying to trap you," Jason said, letting her go. Judy then fell to the ground and Jason said," if you want to leave, then there is the fucking door. Go live under a bridge for all I care. But Judy...I love you, and I dont want you to go. If you stay here, with me, then I will stop drinking."

Judy's eyes went wide," Really?"

Jason nodded his head," I know it's my drinking that has ypu wanting to leave, and I dont want to lose you. I will quit drinking if you just stay with me."

Judy smiled," A week. If you can last a week, then I will stay here."

Jason nodded his head and said," Come on. Let's get to bed."

The two went to their room and laid together, Jason smiling to himself,'Clever bunny.'
Nick's team had finally finished the job, having the shed built perfect. Stu was pleased, and payed them well.

However, Nick wanted one thing right now and that was to go home. He needed to talk to Judy. Though, something told him it was a bad idea, the fox couldn't go on saying nothing and risk one of his kits getting hurt.

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