Chapter 5~ Here Comes Ms. Ruffie

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After what happened back there...

I ran away with fresh tears on my face only to run into Ruffnut.

Great! I thought.


I ignored her upcoming comment and sped up straight to the restroom.


I met a few Aussies on the way. Boy, they sure are awesome.

There's this girl named Iggy who was already in Senior Year. (Guys, don't kill me. Azalea is older than that, I just wanted her here, lawl. Thank me later Erin ;))

Before I headed here at school, I went by a donut store and picked up a box of Bavarians.

After that, I planned to give it to Astrid.

There she is!! I yelled in my head.

I saw a familiar blonde in the crowd. Suddenly I noticed...

She seems, crying?

"Ast--" I got cut off when I saw the look in her face. One word describes her expression: WILD.

Her features looked haggard. She looked like she had been crying for days.

I was going to ask her if she was fine, but I'm 100% sure that she'll answer, "Yes.", and pretty sure she isn't.

"--rid?" I finished off my own sentence.

A couple blocks away, I saw two faces whom I want to smack with Macey right away.

Tuffnut will drown me, put me on fire, drown me again, and pretty sure bury me alive if I talk about his Teddy Bear. Who cares, though.

But back to the point. Pardon me, I have ADHD so I kept on blabbering about other things than my main subject. Which I am doing now.

Wanna know the two (bishy) faces I saw?? I guess it's pretty obvious.

I got furious, I stepped out of my nice side and transferred to my rough side. No pun intended :D


Of course I was furious!! I held out my middle finger exactly the same time Trisha turned around.

This freshman flipped once he saw 'the finger'.

"R-ruff... R-r-ruuff..." He stuttered.

"Frick off." I sneered.

"Thorston? Hah. How delightful to meet your Highness. What's the matter?" She said sarcastically and rolled her eyes.

"Shut up before I rip your eyes off your clowny sockets," I scowled at her. ",you know how to get to my bad side, Millane. What are you doing with him?" I asked, emphasizing 'him', giving her a distasteful look.

Thor, I wanna puke on her face now. The make-up is so last season. Not for her though.

"What am I doing with him?" She said, mimicking what I had said earlier.

"You are out of date, Rough Girl. You must know that I am dating him." She said nonchalantly, looking at her nails like it were some kind of mirror.

"Uh, I don't have a say in this." Hiccup finally spoke up.

I turned away Trisha's 40-year old face and met Hiccup's.

"You, Haddock, what are you doing with her?!" I burst out.

Hiccstrid In Highschool: Young Sophomore LoveWhere stories live. Discover now