Chapter 10 - Loss

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Song: 'Explosions' by Ellie Goulding 

'Life is a beautiful lie and death is the painful truth'

"Kol!" I shriek with a small giggle.

The stream water he jumped into splashes toward me and I try to dance out of the way the best I can with him holding onto my hand. Drops of water land on my violet dress, not even enough to soak through and touch my skin.

Kol laughs at me and tugs on my hand to pull me closer but that requires going into the water with him. "Relax darling. It's just water, it won't hurt you"

"No but my mother will if I get my dress dirty" I pull back at his attempt to drag me in the water. No doubt that he's only humoring me for a split  second to think I have the strength to stay put. We both know he's greatly stronger than me and could get me into the water with one tug of his arm.

Kol has that usual arrogant gleam to his eyes but there's something else to go along with it. I've seen it many times and once figured that it was a reflection of the light. However, the more I see it the more I realize that it's really there and not just a made up thing. Kol looks at me with adoration shinning brightly in his brown eyes that never went away unlike his arrogance that comes and goes.

 "Technically it won't be dirty. It will be wet"

I manage a small glare in his direction but within seconds a smile tugs on my lips. Unable to be mad at him with that boyish grin and the look he's giving me.

Kol knows that really no matter what he does I can't stay mad at him for more than a few hours. So when his grin grows I know he takes it as a victory. He starts to pull on my hand again.

I look down at the water then back up at him, already sensing defeat stirring in my stomach. Shaking my head slightly I mutter "You are a bad influence. I do not know why my mother approves of you"

He chuckles lowly before taking me by surprises and tugs me into the water. I lose my balance and stumble into the water and nearly fall until his arms wrap around my waist to steady me. Once properly back on my feet he crushes me to his chest, my front pressing up against him so there's no room. Probably not trusting that I wouldn't splash water on him.

My feet and legs submerged in the cold water and chills run up my spine and goosebumps appear on my skin. The water soaks in my fabric of my dress and heavies it down. The round rocks are slick under my bare feet and cling to him so I don't fall.

He leans down and presses his lips to mine. My heart races and I'm sure he can feel it pound against my chest. Shivers race up my spine and I can't feel the cold of the water anymore. Each kiss is just as exciting as our first and has the power to take me away from all the problems of reality.

My arms wrap around his neck and press tighter up against him so we both fit together perfectly. Kol's hand slides up my back and plays with the ends of my hair, twirling it around his finger.

Moments passing before we break apart but we don't make a move to untangle ourselves.

Kol rest his forehead against mine, sounding breathless "Everyone loves me, darling. Your mother is no exception. Not my fault you have competition" he smirks.   

I raise my eyebrows and hum with thought. "You think a lot about yourself, Mikaelson. But I'm not worried about other girls" a sly grin on my lips that seem foreign to me. I usually don't smirk of have a sly smile that would give me the appearance of getting into something I shouldn't of. Hanging around Kol has changed that about me. I'm not so reserved as I once was.

"You're not?" he raises an eyebrow as if he didn't believe me. His brown eyes gleaming with amusement.

"No" I shrug carelessly as if it doesn't mean anything. No worry presented on my features for Kol wouldn't do that. He may act vain and cocky but he's different with me. He actually shows his feelings around me unlike around  most people. Kol blocks off what he actually feels and twists it around to a point that people don't know how he actually feels at all.

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