Chapter 13 - Sun and Moon

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Song: 'Dream' by Imagine Dragons 

'Don't underestimate the allure of the darkness. Even the purest of hearts are drawn to it'

Days. It's been days ever since I have felt the warmth of the sun. Feeling the wind blow through my long hair. Feeling normal without the heightened senses and emotions that threaten my sanity. I hate feeling like I want to go on a rampage one second over something small but then the next second I want to collapse and cry.

Feeling like a young girl who knew death was inevitable just days ago, turning to this day I'm not sure death is in our description anymore. From the moment we're born we start to die. Dying slowly, letting us live in the moment and make memories. For when death decides it's time we won't be alone.

But for us, being vampires as Esther calls us, we'll be frozen in time. A never ending life filled with hiding ourselves for we are the monsters our parents warned us about. Lurking deep in the night to suck on innocent's blood just for our own survival.

A never ending cycle of our new life.

Every minute I spend in this house drives me to insanity. Being around these people to always remind me of what I am. The very people who have done this to us. To me. I want to go home although my new housemates took away my freedom as well.

First my humanity. Next my freedom. Then they'll probably take away my family while there at it.

One good thing has came out of this though. Since my outburst days ago when we awoke, the Mikaelson family has been giving me space. If there afraid that I'll snap at them or hate them is something I don't know. All I know is that I have space that can help me control my raging emotions and settle my thoughts. All this amplified strength and the cravings for blood is what I'll work on next. Just because I have the craving to kill so many I don't because I would hate to deprieve a life like what happened to me.

I won't kill anyone.

Only Kol and Elijah have been around me lately. We help each other because I'm not the only one going through this. Nikalus, Rebekah, Finn, Mikael, and Esther have all been distance. I believe I wounded Esther in some way when I told her that I wasn't her kid. I'm not sorry for the truth. She may have looked at me like another daughter but I'm not. I have my own family. My own mother.

I sigh heavily at the thought of my mother. I wonder what they think happened to me? I haven't been home for days. Do they think of me as dead? Or maybe I abandoned them for this family? That I hate them?

No. They would never think that I would hate them. They know me well enough not to think that.

They must have heard the rumours spoken by the villagers. Gossiping like they do but this time it's about us. And they are more true than false. I'm not sure how they know but they do and now the werewolves aren't the only predators in town.

There's a knock at the door of the room I currently share with Rebekah. She's else where but she can't be far within the house since the sun is still up. She just doesn't want to be in the room with me, I believe.

I don't say a word, but whoever is there apparently doesn't need an invitation. They come in anyway. If I wished to talk to anyone then I would have said come in but I didn't.

I look up from my spot on the bed, expecting to meet brown eyes of either Elijah or Kol. Instead my blue eyes meet a duller pair of blue eyes belonging to Niklaus. I haven't spoken much to him since meeting the family but he's been around. All I have to go on is what Kol has told me and it's not pretty.

"Niklaus" I mutter, shifting toward him on the bed. "What a surprise" I try giving him a small smile to be friendly but it feels more like a grimace.

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