I sighed as I finally reached the door. I just stared at the knob in contemplation. The class would start in a couple minutes so I had time to stare at the door unless somebody were to come up and ruin my moment of-

"Are you trying to use the Force to open the door... because I don't think it's working."

I jerked my body reflexively as I turned to the culprit who had startled me.

Taehyung smiled down at me in amusement. No hint of malice or disappointment shown on his expression.

"O-oh. I guess my skills are a bit rusty."

"What skills, silly." He let out a soft chuckle which had me melting.

"Where did you come from? I thought you were already in class."

"Well, I was waiting for you right over there." He pointed at the area literally right across from the door.

"You seemed to be lost in your own world. We should definitely head inside now though. I'll use this handy dandy tool that was built over thousands and millions of years of evolution to open the door." He wiggled his fingers mockingly before reaching over to open the door manually.

I rolled my eyes as he wiggled his eyebrows and gestured me into the classroom.

Taking his offer and stepping into the room, it was already filled and the professor was setting up her equipment while a hum of chatter filled the air.

Instantly catching the eyes of Momo and Chaeyoung in our normal spots, I eagerly made my way over with Taehyung lazily trailing afterwards.

"Hey! You look chipper this morning."

"Haha." I replied to Momo's comment with a monotonous tone because I was exhausted from stressing last night.

"Hey Taehyung." Taehyung cheerfully reiterated the greeting. 

Over the course of the weeks, the girls had accepted that the boys were alright. They made mistakes that definitely didn't earn their complete trust, however they could tell I was happier.

After a minute of brief conversation, the professor announced the beginning of class and began her lecture.


Taehyung was peacefully walking besides me on the walk to Graphics Design. He never made any indication relating to the news from a couple days ago. He just continued with his usual flirty and carefree attitude.

Upon reaching the classroom, we stood to the side of the hall and continued chatting while waiting for Jungkook to show up.

It's been a sort of ritual for Taehyung and I to wait for Jungkook to show up. After he does, we would talk until there was five minutes left before class started. Taehyung's next class was actually Literature, but the teacher was normally a bit late and very laid back so he didn't technically need to be there right on time.

I noticed Jungkook creeping his way over from a distance behind Taehyung as Taehyung was avidly speaking about this cute cafe he found out about. He brought his pointing finger up to his lips in a gesture for me to be quiet.

I sent him a brief wink before quickly making contact with Taehyung as he looked back down at me with a grin.

I smiled widely back before I suddenly threw on a serious expression which caused Taehyung to get confused.

"It's Bunny Boy in a place we've never seen him before. Watch out! Watch out! Watch out! Oh my god!"

Jungkook jumped up and wrung his arms around Taehyung's neck before dragging him down and proceeding to give Taehyung a fierce noogie.

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