Happy -yes the exceed-

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Sorry guys, I just couldn’t resist the urge to place this in.


I stood in the shadows of the guilds main room, my gaze unblinking as I stared at the passing guild members, some giving me scared, wild eyes whilst some just avoiding the perimeter around me completely. I was the badass of the guild though, the one who made Gajeel look like a new-born baby puppy. Yes, that strong. Yes, that bad. In front of me Laxus and Freed stood, shoulder to shoulder as they whispered into each other’s ears about a future mission that they had planned. The gap small gap between where their arms touched seeming to be just enough for me to look at the scene that was taking place but to also remain concealed from sight. “Okay our next number is 7!” A small cringe formed in my shoulders at hearing the old man on the bars top yell out a number whilst pacing before he froze and smiled slightly at seeing me stand, and walk towards the bucket that Carla was still holding in her hands. My hand plunged into the bucket as I felt around, my hand purposefully not touch any of the objects before my hand pulled out fresh air. “Oh look at that. It appears I get no one after all.” I turned my back to the master and walked back to the shadows where I stood, a small smirk on my face as I slumped against the bricks. “Oh no… We can’t have that. I am sure we can find one guy for you Ms___________.” My breathing stuttered to a halt at hearing his sentence before I forced a shrug onto my shoulders and visibly relaxed. “Doesn’t affect me.” With my surprisingly calmly spoken sentence said I walked up the stairs towards the room where the game was being hosted.

My bored gaze flickered around the room before darting towards the door at hearing it creak slightly open and light flash into the room for a brief moment before disappearing again as the door quietly clicked shut. With a roll of my eyes I bent and picked up a tennis racket, holding it expertly in my hand whilst boredom continued to tug on my veins. My shoulder blades stiffened at feeling something soft brush the back of my neck before, without pausing to think, I spun around, the racket in hand and hit the thing that had been touching my neck. A small wince formed on my shoulders at hearing the sound of a living thing crashing back through the door echoed to my ears before I ran towards the gap in the door and peered through before chucking slightly at seeing happy sprawled on the floor. Carla's spinning around his head in an anime style. With a proud smile I walked towards the main room and smiled towards the other members with the racket still in my hand. "And this is why; you don't force me into these games." I waved the racket around and laughed before walking out of the guild.


Hello my little eevee's. So in truth this is just one to take the mick. I don't know why I wrote it but it was requested by a friend. And just to be clear in this you hit Happy with a tennis racket which propelled ihm out of the room and broke the door.... Yup you really was mean to happy. XD I also know that normaly I would tell you to vote and comment on this but... Meh I don't actually expect votes on this one. XD Anyway... Laters my little Eevee's.

7 minutes in heaven (fairy tail)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora