Chapter 9 - Captains Jones and Dalma

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"We made it!" She shouted, and Celeste ran over and tackled her into a hug. Then Ngaio turned back to Will. "Oh my God are you ok?" He started laughing.

"I wasn't drowning..." Ngaio couldn't decide if she was relieved or angry. She punched him in the arm.

"That's for scaring me." Then she kissed him again. "And that's for everything else." She smiled at the shocked look on his face and then turned to begin sorting out the deck after everything had been thrown about but the transition. She looked back and suddenly Jack, Barbossa, Will and Liz were all pointing pistols at each other. Gibbs joined in, aiming one at Barbossa and one at Will. Then Celeste joined, between Jack and Liz. Ngaio was so confused. She drew her pistols and pointed one at Gibbs and the other at Liz. She didn't particularly dislike either of them, but one was pointing a gun at Will, and the other at her sister. Barbossa started laughing, and lowered his gun, and everyone else joined in. The laughter stopped abruptly and the guns went back up.

"The Brethren courts gatherin and Jack and I will be going," Barbossa said in a forceful tone.

"No. If there's pirates gathering I'm pointing my ship in the other direction," Jack replied.

"The pirates are gathering to fight Beckett and you're a pirate," Elizabeth pointed out.

"Fight or not you're not running Jack," Will said. Jack looked at Celeste for some help.

"Sorry, Jacky but I'm with them on this one - if we don't fight back now we'll be hunted down one by one. We're stronger together," she reasoned.

"I quite like the sound of that. Captain Jack Sparrow. The last pirate," This earned a glare from Celeste. "With his lovely lass Celeste Jones. Of course," he added hurriedly.

"Aye, and you'd be fighting Jones all by your lonesome. How will that work out in ya plan?"

"I haven't worked that out yet but I'm not going back to the locker mate,"

"That I can definitely agree with. I lost him once I'm not doing it again,"

Jack fired his gun at Barbossa, setting off a chain of them all pulling triggers but of course, no shots were fired.

"Wet powder," Gibbs put it simply.

"So if we can't shoot each other what are we supposed to do," Celeste asked as Will walked off.

He came back with an old-looking map and pointed at an island.

"We need to go ashore and resupply with fresh water and then we can get back to shooting each other later."

"Sounds good."

Ngaio walked over to the railing and stared out to sea, trying to process everything that had just happened. Including the fact that she'd just kissed Will Turner. Twice. Celeste walked over.

"You okay?"

"Oh, yeah I'm fine. Just thinking about how you're going to kiss Jack," she smirked.

"Yeah but I only have to do that if you kissed- you kissed Will?! When?"

"Just now actually. Twice."

"Will!" Celeste yelled across the ship.

"What?" He yelled back walking along the deck with the old map.

"Did you kiss my sister?"

"Yep. Twice," he said, with a stupid grin plastered across his face.

"Oh come on" Celeste strolled.

Will set out the map on the table.

"Could you gather the others?" He asked Ngaio, as Celeste walked off.

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