Chapter 7 - World's End

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"What now?"

"Now, Celeste, Mr Turner goes to take the map we need, and Miss Swan and I go talk to Sao Feng." Barbossa replied.

"And what do I do? You should know by now I am not one to sit around when there are important things to be done - especially ones that involve those I care for."

"You, Mr Gibbs and a few others you choose will be serving as our back up. Or you can come with me and Miss Swan can go as back up..." he suggested.

"I think I'll be back up. That way I am likely to hold onto all my weapons."

"Let's just get on with it already!" Ngaio piped up. Everyone agreed and hurried off to where they needed to be.

The plan was all in place. Ngaio was with her sister and Gibbs. As well as their own weapons, they carried swords for Barbossa and Liz, should they need them. They crept below the wooden deck at the docks of Singapore.

"How much further Gibbs?"

"Not long now Celeste," they stopped suddenly as some people passed above. Once they were gone the group continued moving and finally came to the weird steam room that had two rather large workers. Ngaio shared a look with her sister.

"Thanks for the warning Barbossa," Celeste mumbled sarcastically to herself, and charged at them with her sword raised. He fought back - obviously. Ngaio picked up a metal... pan? from the floor and swung it hard at his head.

"Hands off my sister." He was out cold. Meanwhile, the rest of the crew had dealt with the other man.

Above them, Liz and Barbosa were trying and failing to convince Sao Feng to join their cause. Then Sao Feng pulled out Will. Ngaio stifled a gasp - she hadn't expected him to be caught - unless that was Barbossa's plan all along.

"I assure you, our intentions are strictly honourable..." that was the cue. They thrust the swords through the floor and chaos ensued. Suddenly... the navy were there? Then there was a hand on her wrist, pulling her away. They were running, running away from the fight. Away from Will. Ngaio looked around anxiously. He was nowhere in sight.

Finally she spotted him, with Sao Feng. She approached them cautiously.

"We've come to an agreement - Sao Feng will give us a ship and a crew to get Jack." he said. Everyone boarded the ship with Sao Feng's crew and Ngaio noticed Celeste sticking particularly close to her - probably not trusting the other crew. They held no allegiance to them, and they were only doing what they had been told to do and orders could be changed easily. Barbossa held the map and went into the Captain's quarters, probably to study it. It seemed he had already given someone a heading or direction because the ship was already moving out of the port.

Ngaio had left her sister to go and find Will. He was by himself again, and stood in silence staring out to sea. She stood with him, silent. There wasn't really much to say. Then Celeste found them.

"How are you doing Cel?" Will asked.

"Better. How are you feeling about the incident?"

"I'd feel a lot better if you stopped calling it the incident," he replied with a smile.

"Well, I guess you're not going to feeling better then." Will and Ngaio rolled their eyes.

Then Barbossa emerged from his quarters and walked towards the helm. Celeste approached him.

"Barbossa where are we? I've got no familiarity with any of this water and would be inclined to say we are lost..."

"We are exactly where we are supposed to be." he replied before going to speak to the man at the helm. While Celeste gave up and headed below deck to sleep, Ngaio stayed above deck with Will. They sat together on some crates, staring out to sea. It was nice to have company. At some point, Ngaio must have drifted off because she woke up lying down and shivering. They'd gone north - much further north than she'd expected. Will smiled at her as she sat up, and they were soon joined by Liz. Neither Liz nor Will mentioned 'the incident' at all. Mostly, they were all just trying to stay warm by keeping close together. Frost was clinging to the ship and, to Ngaio's amusement, had coated Tia Dalma's hair. Finally Barbossa reappeared. Liz spoke up.

"Where are we?"

"We're lost," he replied.

"Lost? how are we going to get to the worlds end if we're lost?" she exclaimed.

"It a place that can't be found," Ngaio realised, speaking her thoughts out loud.

"and you can only find a place that can't be found when you don't know where you are yourself?" Celeste finished.

"aye." Barbossa confirmed. They'd almost left the cold behind completely, and were greeted by a loud sound, like a waterfall.

"What's that?" Celeste asked, sounding concerned.

"It sounds like a waterfall," Ngaio replied.

"But we're in the middle of the sea how can there be-," They all looked overboard and saw it. A waterfall, falling into nothing. The end of the world. The ship began to tip slowly, and Ngaio struggled to find her footing.

"Hold on," Barbossa called, as it started falling sideways.

"Some warning would be nice!" Celeste yelled back. Ngaio slipped and in her panic, grabbed onto the closest thing to her and clung to it for dear life. The closest thing happened to be Will. They were falling, and then everything went black.

When Ngaio woke, her vision was hazy. It took her a moment to open her eyes, and a moment more to put register the fact that she was being carried ashore by Will. Her face turned pink, and she snapped her eyes shut but her seen. They both looked rather embarrassed.

"You didn't have to..."

"I know, but I didn't want to just leave you in the water..."

"I- thank you." He smiled in response. That's when she saw Jack. Standing on the Pearl as it sailed past... through the sand. One of the pirates looked up in awe and confusion.


"You think?" The crew watched on in silence as the Pearl sailed past into the water. Then Jack came ashore. He began talking to the crew, talking about... a lack of discipline or something?

"He thinks we're a hallucination..." Will started, but Jack cut him off.

"Don't think, know. None of you are here... because... because..." he pointed at Barbossa. "you're dead. Probably." He proceeded walking down the line slowly, until he reached Will and Ngaio. "Number two, I present:" he held up their intertwined hands. "this. This would not be happening." Wait, what? Ngaio hadn't even noticed their hands drifting towards each other. For what felt like the thousandth time that week, she turned pink. Jack let go and they immediately snapped apart, avoiding eye contact. Then Jack spotted something emerging from the water - it was Celeste.

"Ah. And my final point. The only reason that this lovely lady would be here is because Jones found out I was in love with her and did this to torment me more!" The final bit he yelled up at the sky. Ngaio saw the shocked look on her sister's face and grinned. Knew it.

The Captain's HeartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora