Clem: I guess they move fast.

You: Guess so.

That answers your question about whether something happened last night or not.

You're getting the hang of driving. It's kind of comforting.

Clem: Hey Y/N?

She's got that we need to talk tone in her voice.

You: Yeah?

Clem: I uh... I'm worried about you.

You: When have you not been?

You tease and chuckle.

Clem: Shut up, I'm serious.

You: I know.

Clem: After Salvation...

She trails off.

You: Definitely cut that one close.

Clem: Now I'm even more worried about you. You're going to throw yourself into something like that again, and-

You: I gladly do those things, Clem. Even if I did tell you guys we shouldn't go in there, I would happily almost die to get you out.

Clem: I was wondering when that was going to come up. The, "I told you so."

You want to look at her while you're talking, but you don't want to crash.

You: That's what you got out that?

Clem: Yeah, because I'm not happy with you putting yourself in that kind of situation.

You: Clem, you said you would let me do my thing.

Clem: Well, I don't have to like it.

You: That's fine, because you're safe.

Clem: I want to be safe, and have you around.

You: And that is a thing.

Clem: Always.

You: You will.

Clementine sighs.

You: This argument, will never go anywhere, so let's change the subject. I never asked how you got out of Salvation.

Clem: Oh. I'm not entirely sure because I was with you in the back, but I think we just sped out the the front gate. They lowered their guard after the building exploded, and we just pushed through.

You: That's boring.

Clem: I'm sure if you and Brooklyn were awake it would have been chaos.

You: Ha, Probably.

You look at Clementine when you say this. She's looking ahead.

Clem: Y/N!

You look forward and slam the breaks. Kate stopped in front of you.

You: What the hell?

Brooklyn: Oh, for fuck's sake!

You see Kate and Ruby get out of the car, and you do the same.

You: What's up?!

Kate: Herd blocking the way!

You: Great.

You walk up to the first car with Kate and Ruby. Javier and Louis are already looking ahead.

You: God damn.

You have a perfect view of the Herd. You stopped at the top of a hill and so they're below you.

Javier: No going around that.

You: So let's just go another way.

Javier: That's the fastest route to get away from Salvation. We might want to wait it out.

You: Might?

Javier: Unless they start moving this way.

You: Alright. Good with me, I guess. I'll go inform my car.

Kate: Hey, you did a great job driving.

You: Thanks.

You walk back to the vehicle. Violet and Brooklyn are both sitting up now. You hop in the driver's seat and turn to them all.

You: Well, we're staying here for the time being. There's a herd down the hill.

Brooklyn: Ah fuck. I want to find a place to stay.

She complains.

Clem: Any idea how long?

You: No. Javier thinks we should wait for them to move.

Brooklyn: I say we splatter the fuckers.

Clem: What do you think?

You: It's fine with me.

Brooklyn: We splatter them. That's the play.

You: If you want to tear up the cars.

Brooklyn: So? We can walk.

You: After running through a herd that would then be after us. And we'd have to abandon supplies.

Brooklyn: Oh whatever Y/N. I'm going back to sleep.

She lays down.

You: We should leave them alone so they can sleep.

You look at Clem.

Clem: Probably.

You: Goodnight Brooklyn.

You say in a joking tone as you get out of the car.

Brooklyn: It's day, you dumb ass.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora