Chapter 31

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In the morning Brandi woke up to Marco lifting her out of the crib." Hood morning my love."" Gwod morning" she said as she layed her head on his shoulder. Brandi enjoyed those little moments that she can get with Marco. Marco layed her on the changing table and got her ready for the day." Okay love daddy has some guest coming over so you have to be good for daddy okay?" Brandi just nodded her head " wes daddy" she said as he lifted her from the changing table and onto his hip.
They entered the dining room; Brandi was taken a back by seeing people at the table, and by their smell they were all vampires as well except one smell stood out it was a human. Brandi layed her head on Marco's chest as a vampire man who was a strong build, had red eyes, and his black hair was pulled into a ponytail." Hello Marco it's nice to see you again." Marco patted Brandis back." Nice to see you again Eric." Eric shook Marcos hand, then rubbed Brandis back." Who is this little cutie?" Marco rubbed Brandis back, then answered " this is my little, and my beloved Brandi." He stopped the back rub, and whispered into her ear " love can you say hello to our guests?" Brandi turned and faced Eric " hwllo" she said in a shy voice, then put her head back on Marcos chest.
"She is precious Marco. Matter of fact my brother Sean brought his little James along." That is where the scent was coming from. Sean stood up and shook Marcos hand, then rubbed Brandis back." Dont be frightened sweetie we won't hurt you." Sean said rubbing her back a little longer.
Marco put Brandi in her high chair, then got her plate ready. On today's menu blood French toast. Zoey came in with Brandis bottle of A positive blood." Your little drinks blood?" Marco took his seat then answered " my beloved was turned by someone who we are still looking for, we believe that she tried to kill her; but luckily it did not work." Eric looked at Brandi who was digging into the syrupy French toast." You are very fortunate then Marco."
After breakfast Marco then took his guests and Brandi into his office. He put Brandi in her play pen then she heard " I go to?" James asked his daddy. Sean looked at Marco " Can he play in the play pen with her Marco?" Marco looked at the play pen, well they were close by in case something did happened. So he turned back to Sean " sure he can my angel would love a playmate." Sean picked James up and put him in the play pen. When Brandi saw him in her play pen she got nervous, and protective of her toys all in one " my toys" Brandi said while gathering all her toys around her. James started to cry; what happened next was a surprise to everyone. Brandi first hissed at James, then she bit him on the hand. Marco got Brandi out of the pen." Love why did you do that?" Brandi gave him the big red doe eyed look." He wan pway with my toys." Marco did his best not to fall into those big red eyes trap." Love you have to learn to share, now I have to put you in time out." Brandi did not understand until he walked over to the corner and set her down." Okay love you need to stand here until I come and get you." Brandi nodded her head; but she felt sad. He put her in the corner and left her.

The Vampires LittleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang