Chapter 8

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Luke walked into the living room to Dante explaining to Brandi that they need to help her learn to control her cravings; which is true, but how to do it is the real challenge.
"Papa you help me learn to?" Luke look down at the cute little girls face." Of course I will love." Dante was stuck on how to do it. He had an idea; but it did not seem to be the best way to go about it." Dad I dont know how to do this." Dante looked at his dad. Luke just looked at the little girl." I think we should try to take her to the park first and see how she does there." It wasn't a bad idea but Dante still worried.
So that's exactly what they did, they packed everything they needed, then went to the closest park where most vampires take their littles." Okay love, you have to stay close to papa and I. Dont run off, and if you have cravings you have to tell papa or I." Dante said to Brandi." Daddy I wan go on the swings." Dante took her hand in his; and they made their way to the swings.
Brandi was having fun; until she got tired of them, and wanted to go on the slide." Daddy nu more swing, I wan slide." Dante stopped her swing, and got her out. Brandi made a bee line to the slide "not so fast love." Brandi made it to the slide, but she did not stop in time, she ended up running into someone." I sowry" Brandi said looking at who she ran into. It was a girl." Hewlo my name Brandi. Who uou?" The little girl had long brown hair, chocolate brown eyes. She had a yellow sun dress on, with white stockings, and black dress shoes.
"Hewlo my name Claire." The girl said. Brandi was paying attention; but she was also smelling Claires blood. Brandi was scared, she did not know what to do; so she just stayed quiet.
Claire wasn't a shy girl; but she was wondering why Brandi did not talk to her." You wan to play wit me?" Claire asked; but before brandi could answer Brandi pinned her down. Claire was screaming for help. Less than a nano second later Brandi was pulled off of Claire, and Claires caregiver had her in her arms." Brandi what did I tell you?" Dante said, then he turned to Claire and her caregiver." I apologize mam." Claires caregiver looked at Dante." Is your little okay?" Why did she attack my Claire?" Dante did want to be honest; but he did not want to take the risk." She has not been feeling well lately; but I apologize." Claires caregiver checked to see if she was okay, then turned to Dante." Shes fine, just dont let it happen again." Dante took Brandis hand in his " I promise it wont." With that Brandi and Dante walked away to where their stuff was." This is what I mean love, when you are thirsty you need to let me know."
Brandi felt scared." I swory daddy." She said with a sad face." No baby dont cry I just dont want you to hurt people that's all."

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