Chapter 34

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3 months later

As the council handled the vampire laws and other business, they were also still on the hunt for the vampire woman who tried to kill Brandi; but they were at a stand still. No one has seen her. Dante Vanderwood tried to help as well but it did not get very far. They had no idea where she was hiding.
Marco and Brandi were as happy as could be. Brandi liked it when her daddy took care of her; and even liked playing with her uncles from time to time. Now she was in her room playing with her toys, waiting for her daddy to come and get her. She was playing with all her favorite stuffies, they were playing tea party.
About an hour later Marco came through the door." Daddy I miss you!" She yelled while running into his arms." I missed you to love." He said while he picked her up, and placed her on his hip." Ghb uess what love? Its dinner time, and it's your favorite blood spaghetti." Brandi looked at him with the big doe red eyes " nummy" she said excitedly. Marco quickly changed her diaper, then they made their way to the dining room, where the servants were setting the table.
Marco put Brandi in her high chair, and while he was getting her plate ready Zoey came in with Brandis bottle of A positive blood. Marco gave Brandi her plate and she dug in.
After dinner Marco took Brandi to her room thg o give her a bath. Brandi was waiting on the counter while Marco got the bath ready. Once it was he turned to her and got her undressed, and took her over to the bathe. Marco put in bathe toys and a pink bathe bomb. Brandi started to play with the toys while Marco washed her hair and body." There my angel is all clean." Brandi continues to play while Marco went to get her pajamas. Once he got back he got his little Brandi out of the tub and dressed." Now love how about we watch a movie together?" Brandi nodded her head in agreement " wes daddy." Marco took Brandi to the theater room." What movie love?" Brandi thought about it." Me wana watch pocahontas."" Okay love" Marco got up and went to pop in the movie, as the door opened and in came Tatum and Arrow." Uncles" Brandi said as she gave each a hug. Together they sat and watched the movie.

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