Chapter 20

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Dantes POV

It has been two weeks since the council left with my angel Brandi. I miss her so much. Honestly the house feels empty without her here. I wonder how she is doing. Does she miss me? Is the council being nice to her? When they were here she seemed frightened by them. I just hope that she is doing well.

Marcos POV

I am sitting in my office trying to think of how to go about telling Dante Vanderwood that I am taking his little because she is my beloved. I want to do it over the phone; but now that I think about it doing it in person sounds better.
I am sitting at my desk when my door to my office flies open. In comes Brandi, she runs behind my chair and hides. Before I could ask what's wrong Zoey comes in " excuse me sir Marco; but have you seen Brandi? I was trying to give her a bathe; but she ran." Before I could say anything " I no wan bathe." Brandi yelled.
I have to admit she sounds cute." Come on sweetie let Mr. Marco work; and be a good girl and take your bathe." Zoey said trying to coax Brandi from her hiding place. It did not work; so I decided to step in." Its alright Zoey I will give her a bathe." Zoey looked me in the eye " as you wish master." Zoey left, and I got Brandi out from behind my chair." Now now love why dont you want to take your bathe?" Brandi looked at me with those big red doe eyes " I no wan her give me bathe, I wan you to." Those doe eyes get me everytime." Okay my sweet let's go get you a bathe." I shut off my laptop, grabbed my phone, and put Brandi on my hip." Let's go love."
We hot to her room, and I took her into the bathroom, and set her on the counter. I started the bathe water, and set it up. Next I turned my attention to the cutie on the counter." Alright love time to take your bathe." I helped her out of her clothes, and carried her to the tub.
"Look love I put some duckies, and mermaid dolls in the bath for you." I could tell that she was getting excited to play. Once I got her into the tub she took off playing, like I wasn't even there.
I washed her hair and body while she was playing. I let her play in the bathe a little while longer as I went to get her pajamas. I made the mistake on not moving the body wash out of her reach. When I returned she had squeezed all the soap into the bathe.
"No love. Why did you do this you know soap is a no touch thing right?" She gave me the big red doe eyed look again. Where did she learn that trick? It's going to be the death of me." I swrry I jus wana pway."
I prewashed or should I say I rinsed her body off then got her out of the tub; and put her pajamas on. I was not expecting her to hiss at me. The first I ignored; but when she did it a second time I was getting frustrated.
"Dont hiss at me love." She gave me a sad look." I swrry I thirsty, and me smell bwood." Aw now I'm getting answers." Alright love let's go eat its dinner time."

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