Chapter Forty: When the Lioness Accepts the Sacrifices of the Pride

Start from the beginning

They kept me seated and hooked up to an IV to ensure I was properly hydrated, and I was getting my blood-pressure checked every hour. It would become twice an hour at times if I let myself so much as appear to be getting worked up. Between Marcus, Clementine, Loren, and Vercelis I couldn't move a muscle if I wanted to. On the other side Katerina, Regina, and Messiah and Brooklyn, who'd stayed up on FaceTime with us once they'd heard about where I was and my condition, kept me sane and focused on the positives. When I finally was able to render myself to sleep, I was woken up what felt like shortly after with the news that Matteo had made it through the surgery.

Of course, however, there was a catch. He was in a coma and God only knew when he would wake up. If it weren't for me trying so hard to keep it together I would've lost it. Despite my quote on quote condition, I refused to leave his side. I was bound to getting put on bed-rest for an indefinite amount of time, so I bargained to stay with him unless I was getting some type of check-up. My own personal gynecologist came and whisked me away to perform the operation and do her own check-up on me, and after that I was planted firmly beside Matteo for the next week until he finally woke up out of the blue.

"Why are you balled up on that couch, la mia vita?" I heard a voice call out making my head snap up from my computer where I was watching a show. I thought I was hearing things until I looked to see him looking at me with a tired grin on his face. A gasp left my mouth before I chuckled as I fought the tears popping into my eyes. I carefully got up and went to him seeing him trying to get up.

"The real question is why are you trying to move so much? Stop it before you hurt yourself, bambino. I'm going to call the nurse," I said lightly to him reaching to press the call button. I got the cup beside him and gave him the water I knew he needed and he drank it quickly.  As I pulled back, he took my hand and I sank down into the chair beside him after I placed his cup back. With a soft content sigh I brought his hand to my lips.

"Ciao mi amore," He said and I smiled ready to burst at the seams at finally being able to see his blue eyes looking into mine.

"Ciao, mi amore. How are you feeling?"

"Like I got mauled by a truck, but then again the fact that I'm alive is overriding that pain for now. How are you?" He responded hoarsely. Before I could answer I heard the knock on the door before it opened. Shortly thereafter rounding the corner into the large suite style like hospital room the doctor and the flood of Leone's who had decided to go out and get food before Matteo woke up came in behind each other. When they locked eyes on a very much awake Matteo the joyous content was evident on their faces.

"Matty!" Kat breathed out as she came over to him. She kissed his head holding him to her a moment before she made her way over to her spot in the large room.

"Oh you are such a bastard!" Clementine exclaimed making Mama pop him in the head. His drink almost went to the ground making Kat and I laugh.

"Shut up for once please!" Mama exclaimed making Clem scoff as he took a seat on the couch next to Kat. Mama came over to Matteo and planted kisses all over him making him groan even though I knew he was enjoying being able to be here being loved so fully.

"Oh so he almost dies, and now he's the favorite? That's such bullshit. He literally hid a whole marraige," He said making me groan. He would not let this go to save his life.

"Suck a dick and let it go Clementine!" I groaned out leaning back into the chair.

"I'm good, Kashera. Besides, I'm sure that little warm up activity is what happened before you got pregnant," He said cheekily making me gasp before I fell into a fit of laughter as Matteo coughed. I looked up and saw the doctors reddened face which only made it harder for me to stop laughing while Clem's pained groans filled the air.

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