•How you met• {Maknae line}

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Cliché time.
He was at a café and it happened that you tripped at he'd luckily catch you.

By then he was only thinking about that beautiful human he had seen at the café and woud visit it as far as possible and wait for a chance to meet you and talk to you.

"I was actually really impatient to see you again"

You were both idol and met at Isac (Idol's sport).

He had clumsily threw water on you while he was drinking it after doing relay where he had ranked 1st.

"I'm so sorry, to forgive what should I do?"

Since you found him cute you proposed him to go out with you sometime and this little squirrel was the happiest he coumd ever be as he would also found you pretty!

You and Felix met through online game. You both would be very happy to converse with each other.

"I know it sound absurd but what if we met in real life?"

Then the meeting was organized. Felix couldn't believe how pretty you were when he first saw you. He knew it wouldn't be the first for him to contemplate and admire you.

He was taking photo at Han river and found out you were sitting under a Sakura tree and reading book (a/n: guys let's just pretend).

He was mesmerized by your beauty that he had decided to muster his courage up and to ask if he could perhaps take a picture of you.

"I will take you to a café or simply treats you ice cream if you let me take your picture!", he said shyly.

And of course you couldn't or didn't refuse as you were attracted to his style. I mean who could say no to this dandy boy!

You were assigned to babysit your mom's friend's children for some hours.
And guess what? Your mom's friend didn't want you to be alone babysitting his children so he called Jeongin.

It was awkward at first but the children made you more comfortable with each other and you both got to know each other.

"It would be great if we could babysit the children again or maybe hanged out just me and you,Y/n"

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