•When you fall asleep on another member's shoulder• {Maknae line}

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~ You were waiting for him on the sofa while he was preparing dinner. When he turned around to ask you something he saw his little angel sleeping peacefully but on someone's shoulder. It was Jisung who was watching t.v. Hyunjin was not jealous at all but was a little bit annoyed as Jisung was watching t.v with a high volume.

"My angel is sleeping so would you mind to lower the volume a little bit?"

~ You and the other members were going on a trip and you were seated next to Changbin and of course your boyfriend Seungmin was somehow annoyed. You fell yourself slowly closing your eyes so you put your head on Changbin's shoulder not minding at all what would happened if Seungmin find out as Changbin was your best friend. After what seems like just some seconds you felt yourself being lifted and placed onto someone's lap. When you opened your eyes lazily,clearly still half asleep you saw your amazing boyfriend smiling as he saw his baby.

"Next time if you are feeling sleepy just tell me cuz I don't want my baby to sleep on anyone else shoulder but me, okay sweetie?"

~ You were at the dorm for a movie night but since you've already watched the movie for like 2 times you didn't feel like watching it again so you decided to take a small rest. Since Chan was near you, you didn't hesitate before resting your head as he was like the older brother you never had. Felix was staring at Chan as he saw his baby on his friend shoulder and was clearly not agreeing the fact his sweetheart was sleeping on someone else shoulder. He quickly took you in his arm and went upstairs.

"Babe since your tired let's sleep together and next time come to your baby if you're sleepy"

~ You were at the studio waiting for him to finish his work. You were constantly dozing on and off as you haven't sleep for the past because of studying for your exams. Chan who saw you offers his shoulder and you didn't hesitate as your were exhausted. After some minutes, Jisung, your lovely boyfriend, finished his work. The room was filled with soft snoring being the only source of sound. Rather that being jealous Jisung took you in his arm, giving you a kiss on your forehead.

"honey, you're so precious to me and it hurt me to see you overworking youself"

~ You were hanging out with the boys and the dorm for a pyjama and at some point you felt an extreme urge to sleep and luckily someone was next to you. Not minding at all you rest your head and sleep peacefully. Jeongin saw you and he directly took you in his warm embrace and took you to his room secluded from all those noise, giving you a kiss on your cheeks before sleeping next to you.

"angel I like it when you only belong to me"

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