Chapter 7 (Hazel)

Start from the beginning

    "We will be starting right away.  I hope at least some of you did some reading ahead." he stated as he began to pace in the front of the room.  Hazel began to thank her lucky stars that she liked reading and potions was something that she actaully found rather interesting.  

    "Did you?"  a low voice asked Hazel who looked at the boy next her confused for a moment.

     "Read?  Yes, but I don't know what he want's us to do yet."  she replied softly.

    "We are going to cover the the basic preperations for the Draught of Living Death.  Now everyone open your books to page 26."  he announced.  There was a ruffeling of papers as all of the first year Ravenclaw and Slytherin students tooks out their books.  Hazel was already prepared and began to write at the top of her parchement.  She began to write down everything she already knew before looking in the book to double check.  She looked over at the boy next to her and realized that he was also already taking notes.  She was pleasently surprised.  

    "Ms. Halls, explain what asphodel is." Suddenly said Professor Snape.  Hazel took a deep breath as all eyes were now on her. 

    "Asphodel, also known as Royal Staff , is a memebr of the lily family and it has long slender leaves.  Its name comes from the Greek asphodelos.  It has both magical and mundane uses.  Powdered root of Asphodel is used in the creation of various potions such as the Draught of Living Death and the Wiggenweld Potion."  Hazel recited from memory leaving others in the room socked and some even impressed, others seemed a bit envious.

"Correct, Ms Halls, five points to Ravenclaw.  Yes, Asphodel is one of the two main ingredients in the Draught of Living Death. Now can anyone of you dunderheads tell me what is the effect that this draught has on ther drinker?"  he asked eyeing the class of first years.  Hazel was slightly surprised and so was apprently Snape when the Jungkook raised his hand to answer along with a couple of other Ravenclaws.

    "Jeon."  said Snape looking over at the boy for the answer.

"The Draught of Living Death brings upon its drinker a very powerful sleep that can last indefinitely. This draught is very dangerous if not used with caution".  He said.  Hazel was impressed she hadn't read that exact definition though, so she wondered where he had gotten it from.  

    "Excellent Mr Jeon, 10 points to Slytherin.  Now who can tell me the other main ingredient in the Draught of Living Death.  Anyone?"  Asked Snape.  No one raised thier hands,  Hazel didn't really want to answer again and seem like a how that one girl from Gryffindor already made her seem like.  

    "I know that some of you must have read something.  Its not that hard, to. Look. In. Your. Book. For. The. Answer."  Snape snapped at the students who began to scramble in their books to find the answer.  All, but Jungkook and Hazel who then glanced over at each other and saw that they were both already on the same page...with the answer.  Snape noticed this too.  

    "Enough.  Ms. Halls and Mr. Jeon.  Why did you not answer the question when you knew the answer and instead just sat there like a bunch of bowtruckles on a log?"  snapped Snape causing Hazel to look down at her book and not look at him.

    "Answer me!"  he yelled at them causing Hazel bite her lip.  The whole room was silent.  Holding their breaths as if to know what would happen next.

"We wanted to give the other students at least a chance to be able to get something right."  said Jungkook cutting the silence with a retort.  This stunned some of the other students.  A low  "Oh." rumbled amoung the student, who were too impressed by the comeback to be offended.  

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