𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 6

30 7 1

How could this happen! How can this beast be...

The beast saw the look of shock appeared in the face of the human girl.

"Hmm, Now you know, human, I, the great phoenix has bestowed a contract between us."

The proud phoenix displayed its wings to the human. His pride as phoenix cannot be overlook by just a mere child. Now let this human know how lucky she was to have me accompany her. He thought to himself

The beasts wait for the reaction of the girl. He was expecting a girl kneeling while bowing her head for forgiveness. This was what he wanted but the girl didn't give him that satisfaction.

Out of nowhere, he felt his body has been struck by a great force. He was kicked.

His body flew for a a few meters until he hit a tree that halted his momentum. His body tumbles a few distance until he was able to stand after the attack.

"You stu...."
He was not able to criticize again the human. The looked she gave him was something he could never imagine. She was seeing death in her eyes.

He began to panic. Humans adored this phoenix. They always praise him for his bloodline. They even beg for him to have contracts with them.

The things he denied to those humans, he freely gave to this girl then why is it that it felt like he made the biggest mistake of his life today.

The atmosphere coming from that girl made him shiver. He don't like what was about to happen.

He began to feel fear.


Her anger resonate within the forest. The beast was afraid but then again, his pride was still above his fear.

"You should be happy human!"

He was still a phoenix. Fear was never an emotion for them, but this human made him feel that he was about to see death today.



Liana was very much displeased with what happened right now. All she wanted was a piece of meat. She was thankful for her ancestors that a wild boar had offered itself to her. She was overjoyed that her meal was about to be prepared, but this ball of feathers of a best was introducing itself as a phoenix.

It was irritating, how she kept up with the debate between the chicken calling itself as a phoenix and her trying to disagree with his very statement.

She didn't expect, that this chicken had manage to scheme on its own.

And now she is stuck with him as a contract beast.


" If master knows what happened to me right now. He will probably laugh at me. He will surely mock me before the people serving him. Then all the achievements I made so far, will just go to waste. I will never be able to execute my revenge. I will surely be the laughing stock of the entire valley. WAHHHHHHHHHH"

Liana was thinking out loud. She was imagining the different criticisms she will have once the villagers of the valley know that her contract beast was a mere chicken.

This could not happen. For her to not face the upcoming humiliation, there is one thing she thought she could only do in this situation.

She picked up the bird which is now seeing the world in an upside down view. She grip both of his claws and didn't care if it hurt him. Out of thin air she materialize a sword,

"You leave me no choice but to do this"

The beast caught on the thing she was about to do.

"You cannot do that human. I am now your contract beast. You should not kill me."

"Hm. Who said that I wanted a chicken to be my contract beast. You even have the audacity to scheme behind my back."

"If you will kill me, you will surely regret it"

" If I kill you, then our contract will naturally dissolve. Then I will be free of this shame."

"Stupid human, if you kill me then it is the same that you kill yourself. What I was not a contract, it was a


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