This Old Empty House

Start from the beginning

Molt raised a brow," Is that a problem?"

Nick thought of it for a moment and sighedd," No sir. No problem."

"Better not be. This bunny is paying good money for this job."

The wolf then walked away, leaving Nick in his thoughts.

Nick took out his phone and dialed Faith's number. After a few rings, she picked up," Hello?" The bunny answered.

"Faith. Hey. I need a favor from ypu."


"I'm uh...I'm gonna be on BunnyBurrow for a few days. Turns out, your dad needs a shed built and he called my bossman for it. Anyway, you think you can keep an eye on Jidy and the kits for me? Just....make sure nothing bad happens."

"Of course I will," Faith said," Jidy is my sister after all."

Nicl sighed,," I know. Its just....I. dont trust Jason."

"I understand. Dont worry, if i hear ANYTHING, you'll be the first mammal i call."

"Thanks," Nick said, hanging up the phone.

The fox then went to fatch the other guys, telling them to pack for BunnyBurrow cause they would be leaving first thing in the morning.
Nick's truck and Cal's truck, both hauling trailers of tools and lumber, drove toward BunnyBurrow. Nicl hadn't seen Stu and Bonnie Hopps sense the divorce, and so he had no idea what their reaction would be to seeing Nick show up. The fox could only hope that it was a good reunion.

"Ypu gonna be ok, slacker?" Finnick asked his friend.

"Of course," Nick said with a smile.

Finnick raised a brow," You're right. I guess there SHOULDNT be any pressure in driving to your ex-in-laws house."

Nick chuckled," Alright, did you remember to bring the plans?"

"If you really think I'm gonna spend this five hour car ride talking about WORK you are sadly mistaken."

Nick rolled his head," Ok. What do you want to know?"

Finnick turned around then saod," We can start by what the hell happened to your back window."

Nick shook his head," Ypu dont want to know."

"Well, actually, I do want to know.....that's why I asked."

Nick sighed and said," Jason threw a beer bottle at my truck Monday evening."

Finnicks eyes went wide," and you just let him keep his kneecaps? Nick Wilde, have I taught you NOTHING!?"

"Amber and Todd were ob the car," Nick said," What am I supposed to do?"

"Why did he throw the bottle?"

"Because I refused to let my lits be alone with him while on a drunkin state," Nick said," I cant believe judy allows him to drink at all. From what I hear, thay rabbit drinking always leads to trouble, but Judy just continues to put up with it. She continues to let that bastard sit on his couch, and down a 12 pack of beer before the sun goes down. I cannot believe she is so blinded by whatever kind of 'love' she found that she is allowing my kids to be around it. Then, I come to find out, that this sorry bastard, is making Kudy WALK to work, so he can use MY car to go make beer runs or gamble with his friends. After what I saw Monday, I already know this drunk bastard is dangerous, and I told Faith, if he lays ONE FUCKING PAW on MY kits, I will put a bullet between his eyes."

Finnicks eyes were wide as Nick went into a complete rant," So, what I am gathering here Is that Jason is not a good guy?"

Nick sighed," I'm sorry I just threw all that at you without warning. Its just....everytime I THINK about what that rabbit could do to my kits if Judy turns her back for ONE justmakes my blood boil."

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