"I swear, I wish Judy would just leave him."

"He definatly does not deserve her," Nick said," And I damn sure dont trust him with my kids. If he were to ever lay a single finger on them...I would kill him."

"And I will help you," Faith said," As far as i know, he hasn't gotten physical with any of them, but then again, Judy tries not to talk about Jason's bad side."

"So you have no idea what REALLY going on over there?" Nick asked.

Faith shook her head," Judy doesnt talk about it much."

Nick sighed," I really wish things to go back to the way they used to be."

Faith nodded her head," I will never know why Judy would make this big of a mistake."

The two then looked toward the driveway and saw Judy walking toward the house. WALKING!!!!!

"Why didnt you take the car?" Nick asked.

"I could use the exercise," Judy said.

"Judy, dont you dare lie to me," Nick said," You and I both know the truth. You have been walking to work every single day?"

Judy lowered her head," It isnt as bad as it seems."

"What if there is an emergency?" Nick said," What about when Amber has practice or a game? Dont tell me you make them walk too."

Judy's head sunk lower," Nick....you dont have to worry about me."

"Then I wont," Nick said flatly," Obviously, you aren't even worried about yourself. What I am worried about is my kids. The fact that the have to walk because that lazy peice of shit you left me for wants to use the car I gave you for his drinking habits."

"He doesnt drink that much," Judy said," He just gets a little buzzed and he stops."

Nick then motioned toward his truck," If that is how he acts with a little buzz, then I would damn sure hate to see drunk."

Judy's eyes went wide," Jason did that?"

"After I refused to leave Amber and Todd with him alone, after seeing the state he was in."

"I can pay for it, Nick-"

"No your not," the fox interupted," what want you to worry about right now is those kits, and a car. If jackass will not let you use YOUR car, then I will personally take you to get a new one. I'll be damned if my kits are going walk."

The bunny nodded her head," Ok, I'll talk to him."

Nick nodded his head," Now, I'm driving you guys home," the fox said, calling for the kits.

The four loaded into the truck and Nick started the drive for Judy's house.

"So, hows the ZPD?"

"Fangmire got promoted to Lutinate last week."

"I'll bet he was happy," Nick chuckled," He had been waiting on that one."

Judy nodded her head. There is was again. The awkward silence.

"We are hear," Nick said, pulling into the driveway," It would probably be best if I didnt stay for chit chat. Your boyfriend might get a little upset."

"Drive safely, Nick," Judy said.

"I will. Love you guys," Nick said to his kits.

"Love you daddy," Amber and Todd said in unison.

The fox smiled as he pulled out of the driveway and started back to his own home. Have the four of them driving together for the first time in two years actually brought back the days where they were a family. The days Nick wanted to badly to go back to.

Nick Walked into his and Judy's home after having a few drinks with Finnick and was shocked when Judy ran to him, jumping into his arms, wrapping her legs around his neck," Nick, I am so glad your home."

"Dang, Carrots, I was only gone for two hours. If I had known you were going to be this excited, I would have loved to see if I had stayed three hours," The fox said in a joking matter.

Judy then kissed the fox on the lips and said," I have a surprise for you my handsome, sweet, adorable fox."

Nick raised a brow," What? Did you get a winning lottery ticket?"

"Better than that," Judy said, nuzzling this nose with hers.

"Carrots, what has you in this kind of mood?" Nicl said with a chuckle.

Judy then got off the fox and said," Sit on the couch and close your eyes."

Nick shook his head with a grin and said," Whatever you want, baby."

The fox then sat down, closing his eyes, and heard Judy run for there room, then her feet were heard coming back. Nick could smell her standing right in front of him as she said," Hold out you hand."

Nick did so, and he felt a small object being placed into his palm," Carrots?"

"Open your eyes."

Nick did so, and said," I'm sorry, what is this?"

Judy smiled widely and said," Its a pregnancy test."

Nick's eyes then went wide," Are you saying?"

Judy eyes then filled with tears of joy as she said," We're gonna have a baby."

Nick got up from the couch and grabbed his bunny in a hug," Oh my God, Judy. Thank you so much! You just made me the happiest fox in this whole world."

Judy returned the hug with tears in her eyes," I love you, Nick."

"I love you too," Nick said, putting his hand on Judy's stomach," Both of you."

"You need to stop bringing that damned fox into my yard," Jason said, grabbing yet another beer from the fridge.

Judy sighed as she aaid," Look. Like it or not, Nick is going to be in our lives. He is the father of my children for Christ sake. You need to start behaving."

"I didnt know I would have to, sense this is my house."

"Which YOU said i can move in."

"That was before I know this FOX was going to start coming around."

Judy groaned," First of all, his name is NICK, dammit! Second, He has two kids and he wants to be a part of their loves. Third, it is once ever two fucking weeks. I think even YOU can handle that!"

"If the kids are why he is coming around, then let him take them for good. That'll be three problems taken care of."

"My kids are not going anywhere. If you have a problem with them, then I will just leave. You knew how i felt about them before we even started dating!"

"You aren't going anywhere," Jason argued," I will slash ever single tire in that car, and I will bolt these doors closed."

"I guess you forgot that I was a cop, huh? You do that, itll only land your ass in jail."

Jason then shook his head and brought a hand to the bunnies face," Ypu ever threaten me like that again, and next time, itll be those kits. You ever try to leave here, then I can promise you, I WILL go to prison. Judy, I love you. I really do, and that why I refuse to lose you. If you TRY to leave, itll be the last mistake you make. You get me thrown in jail, then I guess poor old Nick will have to pick you kits up in the homeless shelter."

Judy got up from the ground, holding her face," Ok," the bunny said," I'm sorry, Jason."

The bunny nodded his head and went back into the living room. Judy sat down at the table, and allowed the tears to stream down her face.

AN- What did ya think? Ok, I know you guys probably have questions, and so I will allow you to ask them so I can give non-spoiler answers. I know the mind of my readers very well. Lol.

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