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It had been two days. You hadn't gone to see your mother yet, and you were dreading everything about that fact.

You felt the stress of an unknown time limit added on with the fact that seeing your mom at the moment was the last thing you wanted to do. Confronting Willow's death seemed like an utter waste of your time for now and arguing with your Mother seemed even worse.

You couldn't just off and disappear without a word though, and Alex was probably tired of letting you sleep on his couch (not that he'd ever say that). You let out a sigh on the drive.

Alex had offered to come with, but you turned him down. You needed a breather—some solitude in this big mess. You'd talk to your mother...probably cry. And then work from there.

You were on the porch now. It felt odd to knock on the door but walking in after two days of radio silence felt like an intrusion. You lifted your hand up to knock... and then everything went black.


You blinked a few times, looking at the canopy above you. It was lovely, and like one you'd always dreamed about for your own bed. The pillows were soft...actually everything was soft. You were tempted to close your eyes and let yourself delve back into sweet nothingness, but then you remembered.

You had no idea where the fuck you were.

You sat up with a start, letting an instant headache hit your head. You ignored it and rolled out of bed. You looked around frantically as if you were a mouse dropped in a maze. No matter where you looked, there didn't seem to be a door. This seemed both unsettling and impossible.

After a few minutes of really looking around, you sat back on the bed and took some breaths. Cai must have taken you away. You had to process that now.

He had taken you away before you could say goodbye to anyone—before you could fix that dumb argument with your mom before you could hug Alex one last time—before you could cook dinner for the people you loved just one last time. You couldn't even cry about it yet; your brain just didn't believe it was happening.

You wondered what you were supposed to do. Was Cai going to come in here, or were you supposed to find your way out? Maybe it's like an escape room¸ you thought to yourself with a small smile. It's too bad that my ability to solve puzzles like that is rudimentary at best.

You stood anyway, testing the walls here and there to see if they'd budge at all. You were sure that if anyone was watching you somehow, you'd look ridiculous. You checked the dresser—empty—and then under the bed—also nothing. There wasn't much else in the room but sitting and doing nothing felt wasteful and hopeless. You didn't want to be like that.

But for now, you were going to be. You gave up for a couple of minutes, sitting on the floor since the bed seemed to good for you. Tears feel from you without permission, but you were too in shock to do anything about it. You closed your eyes.

"You seemed to be doing well."

Your eyes snapped open, "Where am I?"

"Hello to you too," Cai laughed. "You're nowhere specific. Just where I felt like putting you for now."

"I—What?" you scowled. Cai said nothing as he sat in front of you and smiled as if you were the delusional one. "Why am I here?"

"That's boring, I already told you that one," Cai rolled his eyes. "Your great granny sold you away about seven decades ago."

Together as We Belong (yandere!demon x reader) [discontinued for now, sorry] Where stories live. Discover now