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Here is another update guys.

(The next morning. Nikki's hotel room.)

The phone ringing disturbed the tangled, sleeping body's. Nikki groaned hiding his face in the side of your neck. You hummed wrapping your arms around the man, and he did the same to you, pulling you even closer to him. The ringing finally stopped and he sighed happily, drifting back to sleep.

What felt like fifteen minuets later- But was really thirty-five. Someone started knocking on the main hotel room door. This time you hide your face in the wild tangled black hair that belonged to Nikki.

But when you heard voices,  you opened your eyes and sat up in the bed.

DJ and James used the key card they got from the front desk and opened Nikki's door. After they each called and text his phone with no answers, they freaked fearing the worst- Or James feared the worst and DJ had an idea of why the bassist wasn't answering.

When DJ found the red top and your bra, he smirked. Holding both up and turned his attention to James, who while looking for Nikki, found the pizza and helped himself to the cold food.

"See told ya man!" James mumbled something. "Yes this is (Y/n)'s bra obviously, and this is Nikki's Royal Underground top." James swallowed and walked over, taking your bra. "So we missed all the fun then?"

You'd been tried and tried to wake the bassist. You rolled Nikki over, so the man was laying on his back. "Come on Nikki, the guys are here and we really overslept!"

Nikki groaned and finally opened his eyes. "What?" You smiled down at him. "I said James and DJ are here and we oversl-." His eyes widened and he jumped up. "Stall them!" It was funny just how fast Nikki ran to the connected bathroom. You sighed looking around the room for something to put on. You settled for the black sleep pants Nikki had on the night before and a blue top that was laying by the bed.

"Hey guys." Both men turned to you with knowing looks. "Have fun?" DJ asked tossing you the bar and shirt. Your face went red and you sat down. "If you and Nikki are going to be a real thing babe, you can't ditch us!"

You grinned looked them both over. "We'll try." James rolled his eyes and DJ smirked. "Sorry guys I-I over sleep." Nikki said walking into the room. "We know what you two were doing." James said with a snicker. Nikki rolled his eyes and walked to the little kitchen, but he gave you a wink on his way. "Saw that!" DJ chimed in, sitting on the arm of the couch.

The car pulled up and people were waiting  for SIXX A.M. Your eyes grew seeing the fans and photographers. "You okay?" James asked tapping your knee. "I-That's a lot of people." DJ was looking at the stage outside the limo window. "Wait till you see a Motley show held outside." James said with a snicker. "They can fit more people outside." DJ added to the singers comment.

Nikki was smiling down at you.  "You'll be okay." You sighed looking up at him. "I-I'm not sure." You muttered looking down. Nikki pulled you closer and kissed the side of your head. His two band mates cooed, making you hide your face in Nikki's side. 

Once the door was opened, flashes blinded you. Nikki took your hand and pulled you out of the car with DJ and James exited after. The guys all waved and you blushed hiding your face in the bassists side. DJ and James were acting like a shield, so the pictures wouldn't capture you, they were just looking out for you.

After the guys got to the side of the stage, a man introduced them and Nikki had you sit just off the ide of the stage, like you had done at the Motley show.

After awhile of questions beings asked another was directed at Nikki, and it wasn't about the new album or the Motley tour. 

"Hello Mr. Sixx, my name is Rose, I'm a writer for the Rolling Stone, and I was wondering who the woman is that you stared following on Instagram and as well as brought here?" Nikki smirked looking down. James elbowed him and DJ smirked, taking a drink from his water bottle. "You also left out that basically everyone follows her now." DJ spoke up, putting his water bottle down. "Even me! I-I got one- I made Tommy and DJ help me make an account." Nikki removed his sunglasses and looked the singer over. "You have one?" James smirked. "Yep- I sent you a request man!" Nikki pulled his phone out of his jacket. "What's your username?"

"At James Michael Official." DJ said with a laugh. "Original huh?" Rose smiled at the men. "But about my question?" You were watching closely, wondering what Nikki thought of you. "Well um- She's amazing." Nikki said, glancing at you. He wasn't sure what to say, he wanted you to be more than a one night stand, but he didn't know what you wanted.

He didn't want to say something that would just end up upsetting you. "And?" Rose asked confused. "I-Give me a second, please." Nikki said into the mic, before he stood from the table. "Well while Sixx has his break, who wants to know about my Insta?"

James asked smiling. "My first post was about my dogs!" DJ sighed, looking to his friend. How are you in a killer band again- Don't call it that." James made a face. "What?"

Nikki walked to you and put his hands on your shoulders. "We need to talk. I-I don't want to say the wrong thing to the press about you." You blinked looking up at Nikki. "W-wrong thing? Like what?" He smirked, brushing your hair out of your face. "Like something you'll get mad at me for. I-Look (Y/N), I don't want us to just be a one night stand, I really like you- So much that it kind of freaks me out. I'd really like it if- If we keep talking and seeing each other." You were speechless.

"I know this is fast- But I'd really like for you to meet my kids. I mean you've already met the rest of my family. I just- Really care about you. But if you don't want that then-."  Nikki was starting to feel stupid for pouring his heart out to you, and you just looking up at him with wide eyes, and without a word said. "I-Your just so easy for me to talk to- to be real with. But if the age and the fact that I have kids and all his a turn off then-." You finally snapped out of it and shook your head frantically, confusion Nikki.

"I-I want us to be more too! I really, really like you too Nikki- I was just shocked that you-Well were saying all that!" You said in a panic. "So then, you'd want to meet my kids?" You gulped.

"Do they want to meet me?" you asked a little afraid. "Yea. Gunner and Storm actually messaged me last night, but  I didn't see it until after I got out of the shower this morning. They just want to say hello." You shook your head, wrapping your arms around his neck. " Then yes, I'd love to." The smile that formed on his lips was beautiful.

"And- One more thing, again I know this is fast and I know how odd it sounds, but would you b my girlfriend?" Your smiled pulling him closer. "I know how odd it would be for you to call a man so much older than you your boyfriend but-." You pulled him into a kiss, overjoyed that he wanted you as more than a one night stand. "Is that a yes?" He asked breathless, after the kiss ended.

"Yes!" He smirked pulling you into another kiss. "Now I can answer her question." He said with a wink. James yelled for Nikki that they needed to start performing the new stuff. You sighed with a smile, watching your boyfriend walk back onto the stage. "Rose, to answer your question, the amazing woman we're all following is my beautiful girlfriend." Nikki said putting the bass around him. DJ smirked, ready with his guitar. "I knew it!" James said with a laugh.

The table was moved and the band was ready. "This is called stars!" James said into the microphone as the band started in on the song.



(1,450 words)

Hope you liked it guys.

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