Happy Birthday to you

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You and Nikki have been married since 2016 it is now 2017. Nikki is 60 and you are 28.

The Mötley circle: what you call the group.
Nikki, Vince, Tommy, Mick, Brittany, Fai, Rain, Gunner, Decker, Storm, Frankie & Dyaln (Lee) And you also count James and DJ into the mix.

(Your birthday. 2017)

Nikki was doing better. His shoulder was out of it's sling and he could actually move it again. It took the man half a year to get full movment back. The only time it really messed with him anymore was if it got hit wrong or if it was cold outside.

You and Nikki had just returned from a vacation in Wyoming and for once it was actually peaceful. But once you returned home to California it was anything but peaceful thanks to Tommy and Vince.

The guys discovered it was your birthday so they all suprised you by showing up at the house with everything a party would need. Everyone from the Mötley circle showed up. And now an hour later everyone was chilling outside at the inground pool, or inside the house.

Tommy, Storm, Dylan and Decker were all in the pool. Tommy was trying to get Nikki to get in the water. The man huffed sitting on the edge, with his legs in the water. "No." The bassist snapped. "Please Nikki!" Tommy begged, before he dove under to swim his way to his terror twin. Nikki rolled his eyes. Gunner was siting next to his father. "You do realize hes not going to stop right?" The man asked his father. Nikki smirked. "I know." He muttered glaring at his terror twin.

Vince sat inside the house with Mick, fai and Rain. You had just left the pool to check on everyone inside, fearing something might go wrong. After all Mötley Crüe were over and even though they have calmed down over the years destruction seems to still follows them. You had a feeling whatever they were up to wasn't anything good. But hey, they are Mötley Crüe.

Brittany huffed seeing you leave. "Where you going Babes?" She called just as you opened the sliding glass door. Ozzy and Gizmo (Your dogs) ran outside, Ozzy jumped into the pool and started barking. "I see why you named it Ozzy!" Tommy yelled with a smile. You rolled your eyes and went into your home.
Storm and Decker watched you go inside before the boy swam to his sister. "Wanna go for another swim?" Decker asked with a smile. "No." She answered getting confortable again. The boy huffed and got out of the pool. He did a running jump and laughed when his other sister Frankie started yelling at him.

Tommy snickered and grabbed the teenaged girl, he put her on his shoulders and started for the deep end of the pool, Ozzy barked and followed the drummer.

It was much calmer inside than out. "Hows it going?" Vince asked from the kitchen island. You smiled and sat next to him. "Nuts." You answered softly. "Whats wrong?" The man asked, patting your back. "It's just- Nikki has been- Off. I cant understand why but like- okay so it started after he went for his last shoulder appointment. Ever since then he's been odd." You said with a sigh. Vince hummed. "How long ago was it?" He asked. "Five months ago. It's like- Hes normal- And then some days he's not." You said softly. "Well you could chalk it all up to hes Nikki Sixx and he's never been normal- Or the fact that he did just turn sixty Doll. " Vince said with a soft look. You hummed not truly getting what the man meant. "That can mess with a man. Sure Nikki has a lot going for him-." Vince said smirking at you. Rain cleared her throat with a playful look directed at her boyfriend. "What's good about me?" You asked confused. "The better question is what's bad about you-Your a saint." Mick said from his place on the leather couch.

You sighed looking at everyone. "Yea." You glanced out the window to see Mick had walked outside and sat next to Nikki. "What's he up too?" Vince muttered. "With Mick who knows." Fai muttered pouring another drink.

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