T-Bone, Vinnie & Mick.

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Just to let you know before this chapter starts that since this is a fanfiction, I'm going to make Tommy be dating Brittany Furlan. ( at the time of the story he wasn't with her at all, but I really like her and want her to be with him.) Tommy Lee and Brittany got married in February 14,2019. so in my story they've known each other a long time.)


You gulped looking at the hotel, it had at least eight floors. Palm trees were lined up around the building and two other motorcycles were parked at the side parking lot. Nikki had parked his next to the others, and let you know the other two belonged to the guys, Mick opted to take a car since it was much harder for him to ride like he did in the 80s.

Nikki was standing next to you with a playful look in his eyes. "Well if your done gawking, we can go inside." You blinked looking up at him. "Um- Okay." He smiled. "Oh before I forget, here I put my number in your phone. It's under The Nikki Sixx." He said handing it to you with a wink. Nikki put his hand on the small of your back, leading you to the double glass doors, they opened on there own and the man at the front desk greeted Nikki with a friendly ' Welcome back Mr. Sixx. '  Nikki kindly said a hello and thank you, but he didn't stop walking, he was leading you to the elevators. Your heart was racing after he hit the button. 

You stood there uncomfortable, people were staring, but you couldn't figure out if they were just staring at Nikki because he's the Nikki Sixx,  or if they were staring because you were with him. ( a nobody) He had slid his hand from your back, to rest on your hip, pulling you closer to him as you both waited for the doors to open. You glanced up at him, just to see he was already looking at you.

Blushing you looked at your boots, instead of the smirking man. He was about to say something when the bell went off and the doors opened. After a few people left the small space, Nikki urged you into the now empty box. After you were both in he hit the top floor button and cleared his throat. "Going up." He muttered leaning on the wall. 

When the elevator started moving your stomach felt queasy, you never really liked riding in them, if at all possible you'd just take the steps. Nikki clicked his tongue and popped his fingers. It was like the silence was getting to him and you hadn't even gotten half way to your floor yet. 

"So um- (y/N), just when we meet them, just try not to make Mick feel like he's fragile okay?" He blinked, but gave a head nod showing that you understood. "He's really small and his spin is bothing him- But he wants to do this tours so just. Watch how you say things. And don't let anything the other two do or say freak you out okay?" You shook your head again. "Tommy is seeing a girl, she's an internet person- Vibes or vine or something." Nikki said shaking his head. "So she's gonna be here too. And really who knows with Vince." He muttered.

"Why-why are you guys staying at a hotel if you all really live in L.A?" You asked softly. "Well because- I'm moving. They're just hanging out here until tonight." You hummed understand now. " I think you'd like my new place." He said with a smirk. "It should be done very soon."

"Nikki, I never saw your old place." You said in an off tone. He snickered pulling you closer by your hips. "Right- But you'll be seeing my new one." You were a blushing mess and were about to speak up when the bell went off and the doors opened. 

Nikki smiled and took your shaking hand, he pulled you down the hallway on his way to one of the rooms. 

But you'll be seeing my new one!

Did that mean he was planning on keeping you around?  

He stopped at a door, you could hear laughing from inside. Nikki opened the door and winked at you. "Lady's first." You smiled and walked inside the large fancy room. It was crazy, it was bigger and nicer than your small apartment back home. (Where you lived alone, other than your animals.)

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