A Chance

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After the concert was finished the guys walked off stage together smiling and sharing high fives for another show rocked and over. Your concert high had ended about five songs and Nikki's solo ago. You were sitting next to DJ in plastic chairs, with your head resting on his shoulder.

Nikki smirked when he saw you, your eyes were closed and you were hugging the guitarists arm. DJ didn't seem to mind, since with his free hand he was holding his phone and scrolling through Twitter.

"Is she sleeping?" Nikki whispered. "No, she's not." You muttered opening your eyes to smile at him. "I thought maybe we bored you asleep again." Nikki said with that smirk on his lips. "No- Just exhausted." You muttered sitting up right and letting DJ's arm go. "Makes two of us." Nikki muttered taking your hand.

"Thanks for being my pillow." DJ Just smiled at you. "Ready to head out? I'm staved."  You shook your head and Nikki helped you to stand. Tommy bounced over with this look. "You leaving?" You smiled up at him. "Yea."

"See you two tomorrow alright?" Nikki asked his Sixx A.M band members, and you both said goodbye to everyone. Once in the elevator Nikki pulled you into a soft kiss. "Will you stay with me tonight?" You started chewing on your lip as his thumbs rubbed soothing circles on your hips. "I mean we are both meeting the guys at the press thing for Sixx A.M right?" You smirked looking up at him. "R-right."

Nikki walked you to where his bike was parked. "So we doing restraint or room service?" After you yawned, you held onto him and let your head rest on his back. "Room service it is." He muttered with a smile, before starting the bike and speeding out onto the dark streets.

Once back at his room, you flopped down on the couch and got your phone out, wanting to text your Uncle before it got to late to let him know you were staying with Nikki.

About fifteen minutes later Nikki walked from the bathroom in black sleep pants, a red top and wet hair. He sat next to you and watched as your thumbs glided across the screen of your phone. "What are you doing?" You glanced up at him and sighed. "Trying to explain to my overbearing Uncle why I'm saying here tonight!" Nikki could tell you were stressing over your text conversation, so he plucked the cell phone from your hands and hit the call button.

Your eyes grew when he put it to his ear. "What are you doing!?" You asked trying to take the phone back, but he just switched it to his other ear as it rang. "Helping my baby girl." You gulped when you heard your Uncles voice. "Hello, yea Hi Sir. This is Nikki Sixx. Yes She's right next to me." Nikki said in a calm voice, he put his hand on your knee as he talked away with your Uncle.  "I just wanted to let you know that since the concert went on so late and she's heading out with me and Sixx A.M really early in the morning for a small show, well we thought it best that she just crash here. We're ordering some food and was going to watch some Netflix, maybe tell some story's." Nikki squeezed your knee and a smile formed on your face.

You held your breath watching his facial expression as your Uncle talked in a quiet voice. "Right- I will. Thanks. Sure will man." Nikki hung up and sat your phone on the little table next to the couch. "He said use protection when we Netflix and chill." Your eyes grew and you looked down at your lap. "But jokes on him cause I got a vasectomy in 2007 after my divorce." You sighed closing your eyes.

You felt his hand gently grab your chin. "Hey (Y/N), what's the matter Princess?" He asked softly, making you look into his green eyes. "N-nothing. Just really hungry and sleepy." Nikki hummed, letting your chin go. "Alright- Any idea what we want to eat?" You gulped. "Anything's fine." He grabbed the hotel phone and dialed a number. "Alright. How about pizza? Can't really go wrong with that!" You smiled half heartedly.

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