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"I absolutely can't believe this" Sakura thought to herself. She never, never imagined Sasuke as this type.
They were only 19 and they had just gotten married. To her surprise Sasuke didn't want to wait. He had spent only a year in prison and roughly six months in, sakura demanded a date. What she didn't realize was how easily Sasuke caught feelings. I guess years of locking your emotions away will do that to you....
As soon as he was released he was on immediate house arrest, so Sakura came to live with him. Three months, three months and Sasuke had proposed to her. At first Sakura assumed it was to rebuild his clan but Naruto, being The Worlds Best Wingman, told her that was not the case. Sasuke never shut up about her. Of course he never showed this or said anything to her face but she could tell he loved her. The only problem was up until they got married Sasuke never showed affection and never even brought up kids. Every time he saw a kid he turned in the opposite direction! He hated kids! And yet here they are...

Sasuke rolled over to face his wife. He loved saying that. It made him unusually giddy. They had only been married for less than 24 hours.

"What do you think of kids?" The question caught Sakura so off guard it gave her whiplash. "Kids? Like small children?" "Yes Sakura, the ones that drool and cry and are god awfully annoying" she felt her eye twitch at that word. "Well you aren't wrong, but why are you asking?" He said nothing and rolled back over. "Oh no you don't! Get back here!" She rolled on top of his back and he grunted. "Its late" he tried "do i look like i care?" "Sakura-" "you brought it up!" He sighed. She had him in a corner. He was silent for a few seconds before he buried his face into his pillow and mumbled something. "Hmm? I didn't hear that" she teased. "......kids are cool i guess......" he finally spoke. "What? Seriously?" "Yeah well...im tired im gonna close my eyes and pretend youre not crushing me. Goodnight" and with that, he ended the conversation and left sakura to gape at her husband. They hadn't even had sex yet! Naruto and Hinata were like rabbits and jumped right into the sack. But Sasuke was different. He was....inept. He had no clue what to do and even told her that. Sasuke had never been horny in his life. He hadn't even had an orgasm. Naruto lost his mind at that. Even hinata had masturbated before, as she had told them while the two couples played truth or dare. Sasuke let it slip that he didn't know what the big deal was. Naruto was the first to call him out and demand an explanation.

"Dude why not!?" Naruto yelled upon hearing his friends confession. "Because sex is gross. Masterbating is for losers" he said and immediately felt guilty "uh sorry" he blushed. "So youve never done it!?" The blonde haired boy screamed. "No ive never felt the need to." This caught Sakuras attention. "You've never been horny before?" She asked, confused. He shook his head. They all stared at him. "What? What are you looking at? Whats wrong with that huh? Just because i don't act like some animal-" "That cant be healthy" Sakura blurted out before she could stop it. Sasuke just groaned. "Suigetsu said the same thing! He was always breathing down my neck about 'finding a woman' and it was lame and annoying." Naruto spoke up "Well if you've never even done anything like that then how are you gonna do it when the time comes? Youre gonna explode.....youre like.....youre like extra virgin olive oil...." Sasuke smacked his friend. "Shut up! I-" he paused before the realization hit him full force. ".....I-I don't know" his face dropped. For once there was something Naruto was better at. Fucking. Naruto teased him about it for weeks but Sasuke just scowled and looked away, muttering to himself. But Sakura wondered to herself how would that go? They may have never done anything remotely sexual but she soon found out Sasuke was extremely sensitive.

The first time he had ever gotten....excited, he froze. They weren't even doing anything! She was laying on top of him on their couch while she played with his hair and he suddenly just stopped breathing. He looked flustered and she could feel why beneath her. She chose to spare Sasuke that time. He seemed nervous. His whole face turned red and his breathing was laboured. 'He's so cute' she thought to herself. She said nothing and continued to lay on him and play with his hair. He started squirming 20 minutes in and sat up quickly. "How about i go grab us s-some food from uh the pantry! And then we can eat a-and watch movies." He said. "Separately." He added, before jumping up and racing to the other end of the house. She giggled, He was so adorable and he was even cuter when he was flustered.

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