Chapter 20- soap (1)

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In the frozen second before Axel threw the first punch, there was hesitation but his paper-thin self-control was stretched to tearing point. Thorne's face was unreadable. No emotion. No invitational smirk. No panic. Perhaps it was because his eyes were still closed. Perhaps it was because he knew that Axel didn't really want to hurt him. No longer did Thorne think that this was because of Seven. The raw quality in Axel's voice couldn't possibly be mimicked despite the technology of their time. Sensing the fist nearing, Thorne flinched but kept his body rooted in one spot.

Yet his eyes remained firmly shut.

Showing weakness was an inlet for the enemy to surge through. Someone taught him that a long time ago but the face that accompanied the lesson was indistinguishable. Perhaps it was Braedon. Truth was, Thorne was scared. Fear travelled through his veins but never reached his facial muscles. He didn't fear the pain or the humiliation or the monster that Axel was unleashing. He was scared of what Axel was doing to himself. Axel was doing this for a reason. Unlike himself, he came looking for a fight. Only a few days ago, Axel could hardly pack a punch. Thorne knew that. Something useful was supposed to come out of this. Axel was on watch last with Seven. What did it say? What did it say to make Axel do this to himself?

Thorne knew that Axel's fate was that of Seven's. The wavering lunacy in their voice was the same. Seven was the epitome of insanity. The whites of its eyes were blackened with madness. Only at moments did sanity return, often when Axel was nearby. Maybe Axel was an anchor of some sort. Maybe Axel reminded Seven of what it used to be because looking at him was like looking through a mirror of what used to be. Thorne recalled Seven blathering about radio waves resonating throughout its head. Exasperatingly, Thorne felt some kind of deranged pity for the monstrous figure that had killed one of their people and drove one mad by controlling his body. He didn't want to but it was human nature to feel so.

There would be a point of no return. When would that boundary be crossed? When would Axel die before his death? When would he let the monster take complete control? When would Axel hurt those closest to him because he wanted to?

A sudden gush of pain erupted on Thorne's nose as Axel punched his nose. The impact sent him sprawling onto the floor. There were a few words of silence whilst Thorne digested what had happened. Blood flowed thickly from his nose with an eerie determination. Eyes forced open, he looked around wildly. Clamping his fingers against his nose, he groaned.

The water was filled with huge chunks of ice. At first sight, Thorne would've sworn they were shards of glass. His breath was steam. Arms flailing in the water, he imagined what Axel would do if the water was a few inches deeper. If hatred was visible, the air would be scarlet.

Opening his mouth to speak, he spluttered and gagged in repulsion. Blood was now trickling into his mouth. With blue lips and chattering teeth, Thorne slowly got himself on his feet. His body craved warmth. This was the last thing he wanted to be doing. Clenching his fists, he slowly turned around. Darkness in every direction.

There were voiceless whispers coming from every corner. Some sounded somewhat familiar but before Thorne had time to distinguish them, they ceased into a thick static sound. Remembering what Seven said about the static sound in its head, further multiplied his wish to put the gun to its head. That would be a pleasure to end all other pleasures. At that moment came the sound of heavy limbs being dragged across the floor giving the impression of immense size. Every few seconds a sound like bone cracking on wood would whop through the air. The sounds were so faint and distant they could be cast away in the wind if there was any at all. Underneath the drone of it all, came the sound of scraping claws against the walls. Thorne's complexion grew gaunt. There was a ghastly snarl. Abruptly a chill rose up his spine.

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