Chapter 29

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Jessica walked out of my mother’s bedroom in a red, knee length sun dress. She span around in a circle. “What about this one?” She asked

“It’s perfect, it may not be a bridesmaid dress, but it looks really good on you.” I complimented.

“As long as it goes with the wedding right?” She laughed.

“Right!” She put the finishing touches on my makeup and fixed a couple strands of hair that looked better out of place. My hair was up in a braided type bun with random strands of hair out of place making it look a tad messy, but at the same time it was really cute. I had earrings that were red roses, and a necklace that read ‘Annabell’ in cursive. I only wore the necklace on special occasions, it was specially designed for me by my father. He was killed by Jeff when I was only twelve. He was the father I had growing up. I still remember the day he gave it to me like it was yesterday. It was the day before he was murdered. I began to cry at the memory of him handing me the box that read ‘Happy 12th!

“No, no, no, no! Don’t start crying please! You don’t want to mess up my beautiful work!” She quickly ran to me with a handful of tissues and began dabbing the tears away from my eyes before the mascara and eyeliner could begin to run.

“Sorry.” I laughed. I stood up when I noticed the time. It was ten passed twelve and the wedding started at twelve-thirty. “We need to get going!” I quickly said. Jessica finished her makeup and I put on my high hills. “Oh I hate these things! How do women stand these things?”

“Well for starters no one can stand them. Women just like to wear them because they’re stylish. Nobody cares that they completely ruin their feet and their posture!” She laughed. Jess grabbed her purse and car keys and we jumped into the car and drove down to the church.

“Look who’s finally here!” I heard as I got out of the car. Jess and My dad quickly helped me pick up my dress and train so that they didn’t drag and get dirty. We walked in through the back door and walked down the hallway that led to front doors of the church building. I stood behind the closed doors of the sanctuary, I began to get nervous. I was getting married! What? How did this ever happen? “Stop it!” I told myself. I have to keep my cool at least until after the wedding.

“Okay here is your bouquet. I’m going to go get Nick so we can get ready to walk down the aisle!” Jess said rushing into the sanctuary.

“Are you nervous?” I heard from behind me. It was Sally. I had promised her that she could be the flower girl. She was wearing a pretty white flower dress. She looked so pretty.

“Yes, I’m very nervous. It’s nerve wrecking. I’m surprised that I’m not on the floor passed out right now!” I said with honesty.

“Well don’t be. Just stay calm.” My dad said as he took my arm. Nick and Jess came in from down the hall. “Is everyone ready?” We all nodded and Ben, who was the ring bearer, opened the doors. The preacher’s wife Elizabeth began the music on the church organ. Sally walked down the aisle tossing flower pedals along the path. Behind her was Ben with the rings, the Nick and Jessica. It was my turn to walk down the aisle. I walked in the sanctuary with my dad’s arm in hand. Toby was at the altar. He looked stunning. He wasn’t wearing his goggles or mouth guard. I could see his beautiful chocolate eyes. I began to blush. I could see the surprise in his eyes. I was walking to my future husband unaware of how my future with him would be, but I didn’t care, I loved him.

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