Chapter 2

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When I walked out to the tree, there was something wrong. I couldn’t feel anything, I was stunned. There was a hole in the ground where Toby’s body was supposed to be buried. In panic I looked around looking for anything that could say that his body had been stolen. But then who would steal his body? I began to run back to the house. I ran inside and screamed. “HE’S GONE!” Everybody stared at me.

“Who’s gone?” Gaven asked.

“Toby. He, HIS BODY IS GONE!” I didn’t know what to do. Masky and Hoody looked at each other.

“What do you mean his body is gone?” Masky asked with confusion.

“I mean whatever was left of him. His remains. HIS BODY! It’s gone! There is a hole in the ground where he is supposed to be.” Everyone gasped. They didn’t know what to say.

Me, Masky, and Hoody decided to go to the mansion too see if Slenderman knew anything about it.

“No I’m sorry, I have no idea what could have happened. Although it could have been his killer coming back to get his reward.” Slenderman’s voice boomed, coming from all directions.

“What do you mean his killer could have come back for his reward?” I asked confused.

“I mean some murderers, if they are psychotic enough, will come back for a souvenir of their victory. Like a bone of some sort, or even a finger, toe, or an ear.” I was sickened by the thought of somebody doing something like that to Toby. Angry I ran out of the mansion. I kept running after I went through the overgrown hedge. I kept running until I was in a part of the woods that I had never seen before. I had no idea where I was. I fell to my knees and began to cry. I curled up in a ball on the ground. I laid there on the ground for hours before I heard somebody walking through the woods near me. I jumped up ready to defend myself.

“What the hell do you want?” I asked to Hoody.

“I was just looking for someone. There was a sighting over in this part of the woods.”

“Oh, well have fun.”

He looked down at the ground and then looked back up at me. “Do you want to join me? Every time I’m having problems killing always helps me.” I wasn’t a murderer. If there was anyone I was going to murder it was going to be the one who murdered my parents. I was also out for revenge on Toby’s killer.

“No I, I think I’ll pass this time.” I said sitting back down on the ground.

“Okay suit yourself.” He walked away searching for the trespasser. I laid back down and put my ear against the cold hard ground. I could hear his footsteps getting further and further away.

I was gaging, coughing up blood. I walked up to the man and cut off his head with my hatchet. I began to walk away from the scene, swaying back and forth. “Annabell, help me.” I could hear the faint voice calling out to me. I could see someone walking behind the trees watching me. I started to go after them, but when I got to where they were standing, they were gone. I began to cough and gag once again. I fell to the ground, coughing up blood. It was spewing out of my mouth like a water fall. There was so much blood. Where was it all coming from? It was as if I was an endless fountain of blood.

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