Chapter 26

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“Toby. Toby. Wake up.” I said. I had woken up on the couch. Toby had fallen asleep knelt down next to the couch. “Toby.” I shook him awake.

“Annabell. Are you okay? Do you need anything?” As soon as he noticed that I was awake he quickly started asking if I needed things.

“No, I’m fine.”

“Are you sure? What happened? Travis didn’t hurt you in any way did he?” Toby went on.

“No Toby. I’m fine. If anything I did something to him.” I looked to the ground and began fiddling with my hair. “Oh and also, my dad’s not dead. He should be on his way from the mansion right now.”

“Wait so Jeff didn’t kill him?”

“Well he did, but at the same time he didn’t.” Toby looked at me weird. “I know it didn’t make sense to me either.”

“So Slenderman is on his way right now? Shit what are we going to do about the band? We can’t let them see him.” Toby was freaking out.

“No, it’s okay. He’s not in his slender form. He looks just like you, me and everyone else in this house.” I explained.

“Well what are we going to say? Everyone thinks that your dad is dead.”

“I don’t know. We’ll work it out as we go along.”

“Annabell.” Toby said.

“Yeah?” I looked up at Toby. He was looking me right in the eyes.

He leaned in and kissed me. “I love you. Don’t ever forget that.” Just then there was a knock at the door. I walked over to the front door and opened it.

“Hi I’m Jessica. Is Nick here?”

“Oh yea come on in. I’m Annabell, and that’s Toby.” I explained as I walked her to the living room.

“Oh so you two are the lucky couple. Nice to meet you.” She said sitting down on the couch. Jess was gorgeous. Nick was so lucky to have a women like her.

“I’ll go get Nick.” I walked down the hall to the guest bedroom and opened the door. Johnny, Nick, and Brad were all three in the guest bedroom. Johnny was on the floor, Nick and Brad were sharing the bed. I flipped on the lights. “RISE AND SHINE SLEEPY HEADS!” I yelled. All of them jolted awake. “Nick. Jess is here.” I said leaving the room. “He’ll be in here in a minute.” I laughed.

“Wow you sure can get them out of bed way quicker than I can.” She said as Nick and Johnny walked into the living room. Their long hair was all tangled and messy.

“Hey babe.” Nick said giving Jessica a kiss on the cheek as he walked by on his way to the kitchen.

 Nick had come back and sat down next to Lexus. We were all talking getting to know each other better when a there was a knock at the door. Toby went to the door and answered it. There stood my father, just as he was before I had went to sleep.

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