Chapter 10

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It was the beginging of February. Five months had passed since I found Toby. We still couldn’t find an explanation for Toby’s miraculous resurrection. Toby had moved in with me and Gaven. There hadn’t been anymore incidents since we all had found out that Jane had killed Zoey. We were all living the life until we had gotten the message from Hoody and Masky. “What do you mean he’s dead?” Toby yelled.

“I have to agree with Toby. How in the hell is Slenderman dead? How is that even possible?”

“Someone had broken into the mansion. Somehow Slendy didn’t see them coming. I don’t know how it was possible but it happened.” Masky said.

Toby began to pace back and forth. Suddenly he stopped and looked up at all of us. “I know who it was.”

“Who? Who could possibly have the power to kill a demon?” Hoody asked.

“Jeff, Jeff the Killer. Jane said that he had plans to take down Slenderman so he could take over.” Toby explained.

“Why hasn’t he began to take over the mansion yet?” I asked confused.

“Because the mansion was left to someone else after Slendy’s passing. He’s not finished with his job.” Hoody said.

“So who was the mansion supposed to be left to?” I asked. Suddenly everybody looked at me. It couldn’t be. My father had left the mansion to me?

“Jeff decided he had to take out the easy target first. Now he’s coming for the real head of the house, the God or make that Goddess.” Toby said. “He’s coming after you next Annabell.”

“He’s already tried twice, I doubt he would be able to hurt me. He could try but it’s not going to happen.”

“You have to take into consideration that he tried to come after you first so he could get strong enough to take out you father. He’s going to be harder to beat than he was the first two times.” Toby said concerned.

“Yea I know. It’s okay, he’s going to pay for everything he’s done. I’m going to be ready for him, we all are.” I demanded. I was going to make sure that we all had a plan in case of an attack.

Hoody and Masky went back to the mansion to notify the others of what was going on. Toby and I were left alone to discuss everything about the situation. We began planning and training. I practiced my powers so I could use them in a helpful way in case I needed to. Toby was practicing not blinding himself with anger while attacking. Hoody and Masky practiced shooting fast moving targets. Sally and Ben worked on not being seen while using counter attacks. They were all good at doing their own things alone. But when they put all of their own moves together, they were amazing. We had been keeping all of this up a week before anyone even heard or seen anything about Jeff. We were all ready for revenge on everything that he had done. Jeff the Killer was going to pay for all of his sins.

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