They were the type of people I always wished I could be. They were cool and powerful and never going to talk to me, or so I thought. because moments later while I was sadly staring at my drink when Bradford had come up to me and asks, "You're the chick on the debate team, right?"

He's right.

But Jago walks in, saying he was late.

As she passed to his eyes locked onto my face, I stood up and excused myself, and went to the kitchen. I tried to get some water, and Jago came over.

''How have you been?'' I asked, staring at the boys from the kitchen.

''It was good,'' He replied, and spare a smile.

''I'm really sorry about what happened-''

''Don't you worry. I won't mind that. Your best friend seems to enjoy hanging out with Jasper. I think he's cool,'' He stated.

''They are just dating tho, they have more days to be plunged out,'' I say and drink my beer.

''You're a supportive best friend,huh?'' Jago commented.

''I am just setting to be conclusive for her,'' I mentioned, motioning my upper lip curling upward.

It means you only become involved with someone you truly love rather than out of some lonely impulse to fill a void. Your own soul can fill that void. In a relationship you are as two pillars standing next to one another, supporting those who depend on you. And so, being single is a chance to learn how to stand straight and be the kind of lover your future partner deserves.

Leaning on one another is for the hard times, not every day. There is a form of emotional independence that is hard-won. It is the mark of the matured brain, one in control of its emotions to a large extent.

I got a refill, and find the restroom. There are too many doors where to spot it. I am a little sober, but I think I can manage it. A door is slightly open, and I realized that Jasper was dressed up, I had no intention of peeking at him. He saw me, and he smirked his way.

''Sorry, I'm just looking for the restroom.''

He got to change because his friend Bradford, vomit to splash on his shirt and his new jeans. He was slumped as if dead, but merely unconscious. We looked at each other for a few seconds, and Jasper pointed out the direction, and barely make my headway far from his room. A sigh was of a softly deflating; it was as if the tension had lifted yet left her with relief.

It came as a signal, not of my resolve leaving but of the level his tension had reached. The sight that escaped my dry lips was slow as if my brain needed that time to process what had happened. My eyes remained fixed on the floor.

I jutted my bottom lip out, redirecting the air-flow to her long bangs. For that brief moment, my black hair fanned upwards before resettling just over his eyes. Desire and disgust. Streamed through the air. A sigh. Disappointment and gladness. Decorated the air leaving a path. A sigh. Of relief and worry. Leaping through the air like a deer. A sigh. Of happiness and sadness. A sigh. Of excitement and fear. Strolling through the air like a roller coaster. A sigh means it all.

''Hey,'' she said as her voice sounded so drunk she lurched from wall to wall. ''Have you seen Jasper?''

''He's upstairs,'' I say to Embry, the people like the party just get started. I've heard loud music from downstairs while she went to his room. Jago called out, and I walked toward the couch.

''You know what Jago, I've heard that you dated Sanders here,'' Merrick says. ''So what's going on between the two of you.''

''No, we're just friends. It's just a friendly date.'' Jago replied.

HER HERO: Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now