One fan in particular turns to me and squeals loudly "guys it's y/n!" She cheers causing everyone to turn around too, yell, and focus their attention on me.

"Back up, Back up!" Oscar growls as a few young teenagers come close to me.

"Hey cuties,I'm sorry that I can't talk to all of you, I really need to get into the car now so I can grab some lunch because I'm hungry as shit" I joke out loud.

Everyone laughs and the paparazzi flash a few photos of me. "She's nice too!" I hear a fan. "And funny!" I hear another.

"She's perfect for ari!" That one makes me blush, but before I can hear anything else, Oscar opens the car and I see Ariana inside motioning for me to get in.

I oblige and hop in beside her, Oscar shuts the door behind me and opens the door to sit on the passenger seat.

"Thanks Oscar" I say. He nods and focuses on the road ahead as Mark begins to drive.

"You alright?" Ariana giggles. I nod "the best I can be babe" I respond.

"Good" she says and grabs my hand to thread our fingers together.

I turn my head and smile at her. When she smiles back, those dimples man they get me everytime.

She has my stomach doing flip flops.

Her gaze from my eyes drifts down to my lips, causing mine to do the same. We lean in and press our lips together.

The feeling right. It feels like my lips were molded for hers and I wouldn't want to be with anyone else.

When we pull away she turns her head to hide the blush that I managed to get a glimpse of and lays her head on my shoulder.

I chuckle and raise our connected hands up to my lips and kiss her hand before placing it back down. "I saw your Instagram story, your really nice with my fans...thank you" she says.

"Their nothing but angels, how could I not be nice?" I respond. I feel her lips curve into a smile against my shoulder.

"I also saw that you kept saying we were 'very close', you trynna hint at something?" She teases. I roll my eyes "shut up"

She giggles "I'm just kidding baby"

Now that she brought that up, it has my head spinning about the public relationship topic. I look out the window and get lost in my train of thought.

"Everything okay?" Ariana asks, pulling me out of my trance.

I blink back in reality and look at her "yeah,why?"

She lifts her head from my shoulder and turns to meet my eyes causing my chest to flutter when our eyes connect.

"You stopped talking for a sec, you seemed out of sure nothing is bothering you?" She furrows her eyebrows and her eyes search mine, as if I'm a puzzle she's trying to piece together.

"Yes Ariana I'm sure" I lie. She raises one of her eyebrows, pushing me further.

I sigh "okay fine, you caught me"

Her eyes go dark and her face turns from a playful smile into a deep sadness.

"Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry, I know I'm a mess I'm sorry, I haven't done this in a while I...I'm sorry" she rants and tears her hand apart from mine.

Her voice cracks and her eyes weld up in tears. I immediately regret telling her the truth.

"No, no ,no Ariana that's not it, you didn't do anything there's nothing to be sorry for" I say sincerely.

It's in the way she moves ( Ariana/you )Where stories live. Discover now